Premium Essay

San Group


Submitted By rocknhorse4
Words 356
Pages 2
The nuclear family is one type of kinship it is the most common type of family in the foraging societies. A nuclear family is composed of a mother, father and their children.
In these families there is prohibition to marry any relative who is a second cousin or closer. In these societies they are connected in what they called a ring. In this ring there is what they call headmen or, which less common head women are. The headmen have no power to force people to do anything. The primary role of a headmen is to help the group decide where to hunt, gather or reside.
In the San group women do up to 80% of the foraging for food with is nuts, fruits, melons and berries. The males are to get 20 % of the food and its meat that they bring to the table.
In these nomadic type societies they move to get to the water because they live in the desert. This is a weakness and strength to be able to move at any moment to save your band but where to go is a big problem that sometimes causes them to lose their headsmen. Due to different ideas that could break up bands to for smaller bands and as everyone knows the more gatherers you have a better chance you have to get everything that you need to survive the desert heat and lack of constant water.
In our societies we have family’s that we depend on the mothers in our nucleus family more than the fathers for the day to day living and the man is to make the money and bring home the living for the family. But as all societies change so does ours more and more our responsibilities are changing. Mothers are becoming the bread winners of the so called rings of our societies.
In our leadership in our small and in bigger city’s we have our mayors in our headsmen spots that have just as much power as the headsmen of their societies and that’s not a lot.


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