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Submitted By Lucy207
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Pages 3
Sarcasm defined in The Oxford Universal Dictionary, as "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt." Definitions that are more contemporary often emphasize the false, mocking praise and verbal irony of sarcasm rather than its malicious or scornful intent. However, the etymology of the word "sarcasm" clearly indicates that wounding was, at least historically, the primary point. The word comes from the late Latin sarcasmus, derived from the Greek sarkasmos "a sneer, jest, taunt, mockery" and sarkazein "to speak bitterly, sneer" literally, "to strip off the flesh" or "to bite the lips in rage.” Despite smiling outwardly, most people who receive sarcastic comments feel put down and usually think the sarcastic person is a jerk. What’s more, since actions strongly determine thoughts and feelings, when a person consistently acts sarcastically it usually only heightens his or her underlying hostility and insecurity. After all, when you come right down to it, sarcasm is a subtle form of bullying and most bullies are angry, insecure, cowards. Alternatively, when a person stops voicing negative comments, especially sarcastic and critical ones, he or she soon starts to feel happier and more self-confident. In addition, the other people in his or her life benefit even faster because they no longer have to hear the emotionally hurtful language of sarcasm. Though this particular definition has a negative connotation, sarcasm can be a positive addition to one’s everyday life. There is no doubt that there are many ways in which sarcasm can be used. For example, delightful way to deliver the message to a lazy partner or spouse, if they repeatedly "don't hear" you ask them to do a simple task such as take out the garbage. As much as this may irritate the one the sarcasm is directed at (should they lack a sense of humor), it sure is fun to be the one making the amusing statement. Sarcasm can also prove to be a very satisfying way for employees of the customer service industry to tell irritating customers that they are just that — irritating. However, being a good judge of character is necessary in such a situation, as the recipient of the sarcastic remark needs to detect the sarcasm and be able to laugh about it. This is also a blatant form of sarcasm, it is meant to be funny for both parties, although the one making the statement is secretly, not joking.
Sarcasm is such a divergent aspect of language. It is used in so many situations for so many different reasons; it is used to ridicule and humiliate, but also to provide humor and comfort. It can also be used to communicate efficiently when other means of communication have undoubtedly failed. It can be used blatantly or subtly, to anger or amuse. So does the meaning of sarcasm really stretch no further than the boundaries of the harsh and unpleasant definition it has been confined to? Or, is it time to broaden the ancient meaning behind this possibly misunderstood form of language?

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