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Submitted By DanielleBradley
Words 937
Pages 4
We seem to have a problem with losing code, forms, and whole projects to “the network.” The symptoms include “unable to find my project,” “unable to zip my project,” etc. Though I’ve gone over this and though most folks understand, I’ll review this again for the sake of clarity.

The steps below must be followed precisely. This isn’t brain surgery, it’s just understanding where to put your projects so they’re safe, transportable, and zipp-able.

I’ll provide artwork a little later, but here are the basic steps:

1. Create a folder ON YOUR DESKTOP and leave it there. This folder will be called VSPROJECTS, exactly and precisely. Leave it there, always, and when you want to move things to/from your desktop, it’s as simple as inserting a flash drive! a. Move FROM desktop means you did some coding on the computer in-question and you want to save this to the flash drive. i. Insert the flash drive. ii. Right-mouse-click the VSPROJECTS folder on your desktop. COPY this. iii. Right-mouse-click the Windows Start Button and select EXPLORE. iv. Point to your FLASH DRIVE. v. Right-mouse-click the flash drive and select PASTE. vi. If you’ve done this before, Windows will ask you to confirm the replacement of folders and files. Check the box that says “YES TO ALL” and this ensures your data will move completely. You’ll copy the whole folder, and that’s fine. b. Move TO the desktop means you are taking data FROM the flashdrive to overwrite all the projects in the VSPROJECTS folder on your desktop. It suggests you worked on a machine elsewhere, archived all that work to your flash drive, and you want to save it to the desktop of the CURRENT MACHINE. vii. Insert the flash drive. viii. Right-mouse-click the Windows Start Button and select EXPLORE. ix. Right-mouse-click the VSPROJECTS folder on your FLASHDRIVE. COPY this. x. Point to your DESKTOP in EXPLORER. xi. Right-mouse-click the DESKTOP and select PASTE. xii. If you’ve done this before, Windows will ask you to confirm the replacement of folders and files. Check the box that says “YES TO ALL” and this ensures your data will move completely. You’ll copy the whole folder, and that’s fine. 2. When you are creating a new project within Visual Studio, pick the type of project (Form, Console, WPF, whatever….). c. Okay, you picked the project type (Form, Console, WPF, whatever…)by clicking on it. d. Give your project a meaningful name, using PASCAL case to ensure you follow a basic regimen of naming standards. e. Click the BROWSE BUTTON if you need to and POINT to the VSPROJECTS folder on your desktop. xiii. Visual Studio will REMEMBER THIS and it ALWAYS REMEMBERS IT. xiv. Once you’ve set it, it should always point to your desktop and to VSPROJECTS. xv. This is where you work, regardless of which PC you’re using. f. Your screen should look LIKE THIS!!!! xvi. Pick Select Folder button. xvii. Now, your screen should look like the image below. In my case, I’ve typed a project name of McClureHomeworkCh9Exercise1 so that it’s unmistakably for Chapter 9, Exercise1 and it’s MY work, with MY name on it! Can’t mess that up, right? xviii. Note the “Create Directory for Solution” is checked. LEAVE IT CHECKED, ALWAYS!!! xix. Press OK and you’re into your project. Start your coding! xx. Hit the SAVE ALL (multiple disks toolbar icon) periodically as you do your work. Review the image above to be sure what to click! xxi. If you happen to make a mistake and things get messed-up, DON’T SAVE THE MISTAKE! Exit Visual Studio and pick the project from the most recent project list, start where you left-off, before the mistake. xxii. In Visual Studio, NEVER DELETE a form. In some cases, I’ve noted that forms that you were working-on were deleted, or perhaps the folders weren’t moved between flash drives or machines correctly (more likely, it’s a file move error). g. Here’s what the contents of VSPROJECTS looks-like with just the one code solution saved: h. And…here’s what the sub-folder should look-like. There should be a folder and a .SLN (solution) file. Other files may exist. See the image below:

i. If I drill-down further, into the sub-folder, I should see the image below. There are at least THREE MORE SUBFOLDERS WITH SUBFOLDERS BELOW THOSE…THERE ARE .CS FILES (C# FILES), AND A PROJECT (CSPROJ) file. If this stuff isn’t there, you’re messing-up big time. Stop and re-do all the above steps. j. This has to be done deliberately, consciously, carefully, and without distractions. You’ve got to focus on what you’re doing and where you’re saving things, or you’re just wasting your time. This is the key, as I explained first up, to ensuring project success.

1. TO ZIP a project, I want you to COPY that project from your VSPROJECTS folder on your desktop and put the project RIGHT on your desktop. 2. Right mouse click over the project, and press the Send To…>Compressed Folder. 3. A compressed folder of the same project name will be on your desktop. 4. This is what you upload for grading, etc. 5. Delete the ZIP folder and the extra project folder from your desktop (the folder you copied from Step 1. above…NOT the project folder in your VSPROJECTS folder, because THAT project folder is your permanent project). 6. I’ll go over this in class and we’ll be sure we are all on the same page.

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