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Science Lesson Plans


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Running head: Three Science Lessons

Three Science Lessons
Sherry Pate
Grand Canyon University
EED 364
May 1, 2011
EEI Lesson Plan
Student name: Telephone:

Website: Implementation Date:

|Author |Sherry Pate |
|*Subject(s) |Science, Technology |
|Topic or Unit of Study |Classification of plants and animals |
|*Grade/Level |4th Grade |
|*Summary |The students will learn how to classify plants and animals into groups based on their characteristics. |
| |Some of the characteristics that students will look for include plants, animals, things, that lay eggs, |
| |things that live underwater, etc. Students will be able to visualize and know that sometimes plants and |
| |animals can be classified into more than one group depending on the features of the specific groups. |
|*Standards |NSES Standards: Life Science: The Characteristics of Organisms -#1 |
| |Alabama Science Course of Study Standards – 4.6 |
| |Alabama Technology Course of Study Standards – 4.2,4.5, 4.8, 4.9, 4.12 |
|Differentiated |Assignments will be broken into smaller segments for students with disabilities. Visual information will be|
|Instruction |provided. Extra time will be given as needed. Will review instructions to make sure students understand |
| |what is expected in the assignment. Gifted students will be given more tasks that will require more |
| |research. Peer helpers will be assigned as needed. ESL students will be given opportunity to receive |
| |handouts in their native language, if needed. |
| | |
| | |
|Objective |Content Objective(s): Students will learn that plants and animals can be sorted into groups by using |
| |various features to decide which things belong to what group that classification scheme will vary according|
| |to the purpose. |
| |Language Objective(s): To learn vocabulary words related to classification scheme of animals and plants. |
| |Vocabulary words will include organism, skeleton, exoskeleton, cold-blooded, warm-blooded, carnivore, |
| |herbivore, omnivore, vascular plant, non-vascular plant. |
|Anticipatory Set |Discuss what are the differences and similarities between plants and animals. Students will also discuss |
| |what plants need to live and what animals need to live. The following two videos will be shown on the |
| |white board: Classification of Plants,; Classification of Animals, |
| | |
|Teach Lesson / Model |The class will participate in a whole group discussion regarding how to classify plants and animals. This |
| |discussion will include getting insight into the student’s prior knowledge of organisms. Students will |
| |discuss their own definition of what an organism is and give examples of organisms. Students will also |
| |list some of the similarities and differences that exist between plants and animals. The discussion will |
| |also include the basic needs for plants and animals to be able to exist. Students will also give some |
| |examples of animals that might be grouped into more than one category based on their characteristics. |
|Guided Practice |Students will choose one specific plant and one specific species of an animal. Students will use the |
| |internet to do research and then will write a report about the characteristics of the specific plant and |
| |animal that they chose. The report will also contain information about other plants and animals that will |
| |be classified in the same category as these. The report will also contain a chart, which the students will|
| |use Microsoft to draw, which will contain information about the different categories which will apply to |
| |their specific plant and animal. |
|Independent Practice |Students will then try to find pictures on the internet and will label all of the characteristics of the |
| |plant and animal that will tell how to classify them. |
|Closure |Students will present their report to the class. After the presentations the whole class will participate |
| |in discussion about what was discovered during research regarding the process of classification of plants |
| |and animals. |
|Evaluation |The students will be graded based on participation, written presentation, chart, labeled pictures and oral |
|*Assessment/Rubrics |presentation. The grade will be broken down in the following percentage: participation – 20%; written |
| |presentation – 30%; chart – 10%; labeled picture – 10%; and oral presentation – 30% |
|Instructional Materials |Handout about grouping organisms |
|(handouts, etc.) |Pictures showing what is used for classifying plants and animals |
| |Handout showing how organisms can classified in more than one category |
|Resources | |
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Student name: Telephone:

Website: Implementation Date:

|Author |Sherry Pate |
|*Subject(s) |Science, Technology |
|Topic or Unit of Study |Plant Adaptations |
|*Grade/Level |5th Grade |
|*Summary |Students will learn how to identify a variety of leaves that are found in the region that they live. |
|*Standards |NSES Standards: 4.1 Science as Inquiry; 4.3 Life Science |
| |Alabama Science Course of Study Standards: 4.5 |
| |Alabama Technology Course of Study Standards: 4.2, 4.8 |
|Differentiated |Students will work in groups; students with disabilities will be paired with a specific peer helper. |
|Instruction |Students will be asked to repeat assignments to teacher to ensure that they are clear on the instructions. |
| |Students with disabilities will receive additional visual handouts. Students with disabilities will be |
| |given less work and gifted students will be given more detailed assignments. The IEP requirements will be |
| |met. ESL students will be given handouts in their native language if needed. |
|Objective |Content Objective(s): Students will learn to describe characteristics of leaves, will appreciate the |
| |ability of recognizing the structural differences, will be able to formulate ideas about certain |
| |adaptations, and will be able to use multiple resources for leaf identification. |
| |Language Objective(s): Will learn the following vocabulary words: opposite growth pattern, alternate |
| |growth pattern, simple leaf, compound leaf, bristle tip, lobe spikes, leaf sinus, toothed margin, and |
| |needle. |
|Anticipatory Set |Students will learn how leaves come in all shapes and sizes. The leaves all serve the same purpose of |
| |producing food for the rest of the plant. Students will also know that increased exposure to the sun or |
| |minimized water loss can play a part in the shape or size of a leaf. A leaf is the determining factor of |
| |how a tree is classified. Students will watch video that will be projected on white board about trees |
| |found in Alabama from the following site: |
|LlTeach Lesson / Model |Class will participate in discussion about leaves. The discussion will include the vocabulary words and |
| |their definitions. The class will receive a handout which will include pictures of leaves from trees that |
| |are found in the region. |
|Guided Practice |The teacher will pass a bag around the room which contains different samples of leaves. Each student is to|
| |pull out one leaf. Students will then group themselves by those who have the same leaf. The students will|
| |then discuss among themselves the best way to describe the leaf without telling the name of the plant. The|
| |students will then get an index card from the back counter and write 5-7 descriptors onto the cards. When |
| |the students have finished this activity the cards will be redistribute to a different group and then each |
| |group will go to the back table and try to pick which leaf their card describes. |
|Independent Practice |After matching the cards and samples the students are to research the leaves and try to find their real |
| |identification. The students will use websites to find this information. After they have finished their |
| |research, each group will present a report to the class telling about their specific leaf. The students |
| |will also point out how they came to the conclusion of what plant the leaf belonged. The students will |
| |also write their vocabulary words and definitions in their science notebook. |
|Closure |Students will go outside the school building on a scavenger hunt. Students will find an example of a leaf |
| |used in the class and two samples from trees that were not used in the class. Once the students have found|
| |their three examples of leaves they will identify the leaves and write a report giving the process they |
| |used to identify the leaves. |
|Evaluation |Students will be assessed by if their group was able to properly identify all species of leaves that were |
|*Assessment/Rubrics |present and will be given a vocabulary quiz. The grades will be broken down in the following percentage: |
| |Participation – 10%; identification of all species of leaves – 40%; vocabulary quiz – 50%. |
|Instructional Materials |Handout from the internet showing regional trees |
|(handouts, etc.) |Leaf Samples |
| |Bag of some sort |
| |Index Cards |
| |Regional tree identification books |
|Resources | |
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Student name: Telephone:

Website: Implementation Date:

|Author |Sherry Pate |
|*Subject(s) |Science |
|Topic or Unit of Study |Creek Life |
|*Grade/Level |4th |
|*Summary |Students will take a field trip to Tannehill State Park and will collect samples of the water from |
| |different locations throughout the park. When we return to the classroom the students will then use |
| |microscopes to examine the water and see if they can determine what organisms are present. |
|*Standards |NSES Standards: 4.1 Science as Inquiry; 4.3 Life Science |
| |Alabama Science Course of Study Standards: 4.6 |
| |Alabama Technology Course of Study Standards: 4.2, 4.8 |
|Differentiated |Students with disabilities will be paired with peer helpers for this project. Students with disabilities |
|Instruction |will also be given visual handouts to help in the process of naming organisms. All accommodations listed |
| |in IEPs will be followed. Also ESL students will be supplied with handouts that contain their native |
| |language. |
|Objective |Content Objective(s): Students will learn that all life forms are made up of cells, from the single-celled |
| |bacteria found in creeks to human beings who are multi-celled. |
| |Language Objective(s): Students will be able to define the following vocabulary words: cells, organisms, |
| |single-celled, microscopic organisms |
|Anticipatory Set |Students will go on a field trip and take samples of water from creek to see what organisms are present in |
| |the creek water. Students will then examine the samples of water using a microscope and will determine |
| |what organisms are present in the water samples. Before field trip students will watch video that shows |
| |some organisms that have been found in pond water. The video comes from the following site: |
| | |
|Teach Lesson / Model |Class will participate in whole group discussion about organisms. The discussion will stress that the cell|
| |is the basic unit of structure for all living things. Students will also discuss the fact that even |
| |organisms that are microscopic, single-celled are alive and need food, water, and air to survive. Students|
| |will receive a handout from Science for All Americans, pp. 62-63. |
|Guided Practice |Students will be divided into four groups of four. Each group will collect five samples of water from five|
| |different locations within Tannehill State Park. After the collection of water samples is completed |
| |students will return to the classroom and examine the samples using microscopes. Upon examination of the |
| |samples students will determine what organisms are present in the water. |
|Independent Practice |After making the determination of what organisms are present each group will develop a PowerPoint |
| |presentation to be present to the class. This presentation should include information about what living |
| |things might be present in a creek, the biggest living things, the smallest, what living things can be seen|
| |in the water, can anything live in just a drop of water. The students will also include what organisms |
| |that they determined was found in their water samples. The students should also include pictures of |
| |organisms that they determined to be present in the water. Students will use the internet for resources |
| |and the teacher will have to approve all resources before the students proceed with the project. |
|Closure |Students will learn that many different organisms live in bodies of water. The students will also be able |
| |to determine types of organisms that might be found in water and how they eat, move, and what is needed for|
| |them to live. |
|Evaluation |Students will be graded based upon participation and the final group project. Below is a breakdown of the |
|*Assessment/Rubrics |percentages for this lesson: |
| |Participation – 20%; Research – 20%; Presentation – 60%. |
|Instructional Materials |Science for All Americans handout on cells |
|(handouts, etc.) |Clear glass jars |
| |Slides |
| |Droppers |
| |Hand lenses |
| |30x microscopes |
| |100x microscopes |
|Resources | |
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Learning Diversity and Authentic Assessment Tools
Sherry Pate
Grand Canyon University: EED 364
May 15, 2011

Learning Diversity and Authentic Assessment Tools Instructional differentiation in the classroom can take form in many different ways. Teachers have to teach students at their current ability rather than a standardized approach in order to reach each student in the classroom (Hammeken, 2007). A teacher has to learn to style their teaching style so that it will match the students’ learning styles (Longert, 2007). The teacher should differentiate instruction based on their students’ abilities and include differentiation in the content, process, and evaluation (Hammeken, 2007). Students who would receive instructional differentiation include your students with learning disabilities, gifted students, and your ESL students. A teacher has to be sure to take into consideration all of the accommodations that are included in any student’s IEP (Individual Educational Program) when planning a lesson. Differentiated instruction is a way for teachers to be responsive to the academic, social, emotional, and level of learning readiness of their students. Differentiated instruction empowers students to learn and have multiple and varied opportunities to achieve the same learning goal (Longert, 2007). Differentiated instruction allows for students to be successful in the classroom (Johnson, 2009). Differentiated instruction contains the mixture of the following components: concept, process, product, affect, and learning environment. All of these factors need to be aimed towards the different students in the classroom. Ways to differentiate the concept would consist of using various texts for the different reading levels. Another good differentiation for concept would be the use of organizers for note taking. A teacher can also use different examples and illustrations for the different learners in the classroom. The process can be differentiated by the use of pacing the students’ due date based on their learning levels. A teacher will also want to group the students together in cooperative groups based on their learning level. A teacher will want to segment and tier large assignments and projects. Other factors that can be used to differentiate instruction include providing supported practice, which will encourage equal participation in the classroom. The teacher can provide bookmarked internet sites for research and also develop rubrics that will be based on the different learning levels in the classroom. An important factor that a teacher must examine for differentiate instruction is the arrangement of the furniture in the classroom. It has to be arranged so that it can be used for individual, small group, or whole group instruction. The classroom that was used for the three lesson plans included students with learning disabilities, ESL (English as Second Language), and gifted students. Differentiated instruction that was presented in the lesson plans included to present visual materials for students with disabilities. Also printed handouts were to be done in the native language of the ESL students. Students were also paired with a peer helper and allowed extra time for the assignments. The students also were given the work in segments so that they would not be overwhelmed. I also gave the gifted students higher levels of work in the assignments and projects so that they would not become bored in the classroom. The students will also work in cooperative groups based on their learning levels. Differentiated instruction can help a teacher be a success or failure. A teacher cannot succeed if they do not engage all of their students in the instructional process.

Hammeken, Peggy A., (2007). Differentiating Instruction retrieved on May 1, 2011 from
Johnson, Ben, (2009). Differentiated Instructions Allows Students to Succeed retrieved on April 30, 2011 from
Longert, Sharon, (2007). How To: Adjust Your Teaching Style to Your Students’ Learning Style retrieved On April 26, 2011 from

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Project Work and Lesson Plan

...NAME: JUWEIRIYA SENGA COURSE: PRE AND PRIMARY TEACHER TRAINING DIPLOMA COURSE WITH SPECIALIZATION IN TEACHING ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT: THIRD PHASE: SEVEN AND EIGHT Assignment 1. Plan an activity in project form with specific instructions using appropriate material(s). 2. The Project should specify: A) The materials used B) The utility of the materials used (i.e. why such materials are being used) C) The project in detail ( i) the level the project is suitable for. (ii) The length of time required for the project. (iii) The subject(s) being taught through that project. A VOLCANO PROJECT- (SCIENCE PROJECT) The topic area is rich enough to support projects at all grade levels, but this experiment is listed as a 3rd grade science project since I believe it is the first age group that can perform the steps needed with very little supervision. Under the right circumstances, it could also be used as a 4th grade science project, or possibly even as late as 5th grade. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT This project is designed to help young students learn more about earth science by looking specifically at volcanoes. We'll also learn how common household items can be used to build useful models, with an element of creativity required to make the model realistic. Hopefully we'll discover a few new science terms along the way as well. The experiment is done in two steps. First, we figure out how to make a volcano, and then we look at fun ways to make it erupt. LENGTH OF TIME REQUIRED ...

Words: 1656 - Pages: 7

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Lesson Plans

...Lesson Plan Teacher Class Subject Date Duration Topic Objectives Material Needed Methodology Shelina.N.Bhamani 5-6 English (Creative Writing) Tuesday, March 29, 2005 45 mins Shape Poem The Student will be able to: 1=Share and write more creactive ideas. 2=Describe different objects Papers Pens Charts Markers Colours OHP(OHT)for the presentation of sample poem(WB can be used too) PRESENTATION: The Teacher will ask the student following questions.(How many of you like butterfly/balloon? Why ou like balloons/butterfly? Do you love poems(yes/no) well,then lets try to write one. Teacher will show an example or two like of balloon(MY RED BALLOON IS LIKE AN AEROPLANE WITHOUT WINGS.IT FLOATS LIKE A BIRD IN THE SKY.A STRONG WIND MAKES MY BALLOON RUN FAST AND TO THE GROUND.POP!OHNO..PIECE OF RUBBER DRIFTING TO THE GROUND)Than SS will asked to choose shapes draw it and write a peom inside that shape) for production you can display all the shapes poems on the school board /bulletin board/soft board.. production stage could be considerd as evaluation Evaluation Lesson Plan Teacher Class Subject Date Duration Topic Objectives Material Needed Methodology Sonia Sham Dupte grades 3-4 language arts Tuesday, March 01, 2005 30 mins telling a story Students will learn how to use descriptive and imaginative language to tell a story. * Telling a Story pictures (allow each student to choose their own picture) * paper * pencils Discuss with students the structure of a good story. Stress that...

Words: 9857 - Pages: 40

Premium Essay

Importance of First Day of the Semester for Faculty

...specific area in my teaching experience as one of the most challenging component. I tried my best to get the knowledge about different strategies from various sources like workshops, seminars and articles to make my class more student teacher interactive from the very first day of my semester. Teachers often become anxious about their first day of the semester ,so it is very important to convey clear expectations as well as basic information to the students to make sure that they understand exactly what the course will be, like in terms of prerequisite knowledge and skills, content to be learned and anticipated speed and depth of learning. They must understand your grading system and what the term projects will be, and finally how you plan to teach. Here is a checklist that can be of great help for the faculty to review their first day of the semester: * Establish procedures – Arrive early to get the classroom set up the way you want it. Post instructions on the projector telling the students what you need them to do before class begins (e.g. pick up syllabus, introduce yourself and find a seat.) * Use an entrance table – This is where student pick up the syllabus, and anything else they need to pick up or turn in throughout the semester. * Learn students’ names – Have students introduce themselves as they walk in, and create a seating chart. * Use focus activities – On the screen or board, write what students are to do as soon as they arrive...

Words: 616 - Pages: 3