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Secure Attachment and Its Correlation with Violent Behavior


Submitted By 4kslove
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Secure attachment and its correlation with violent behavior

Kisha Serrano March 12, 2016 PSY 235 1N2 Professor: Lisa Routh Abstract The study of adolescence and the changes puberty can ensue are the topic of this paper. Puberty lasts approximately 5 years from beginning to end. This changes can influence how a child views life and the surrounding environment. In May 2015, a Colorado boy was involved in the attempted murder of his mother. This paper discusses the possible parenting style, attachment and environmental influences that might have perpetuated this situation. Insecure attachment and parenting styles correlate with an increase risk factor of violent behavior in adolescents. There are longitudinal studies linking attachment security and parenting with a child’s aggressive behavior. Also influencing such behavior is the media, who have been desensitizing children for the last two decades. When the 12-year-old offender was question, he could provide significant information as to why he attempted to kill his mother, which suggests the child might not have been aware of his externalizing tendencies.

Secure attachment and its correlation with violent behavior
May 01, 2015, Deputies from the El Paso County Sheriff’s office responded to a stabbing involving an 11-year-old and his mother. According to the information obtain the 11-year-old fell 20-30 feet from the window within the home. It is unknown whether the child jumped, fell or was thrown from the window. At the time, the child and his mother were the only two people in the home and it was unclear what motives the child had for such a horrendous act. On February, 2016, the now 12-year-old Monument boy pleaded guilty to stabbing his mother and was sentenced to two years supervised probation. The 12-year-old was charged as a juvenile for

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