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See Enemies


Submitted By zanik
Words 325
Pages 2
The OSI model is a model used to assist in the visualization and the understanding of data communications. An OSI model has seven layers (levels) of data communication. Each layer of the OSI communicates with the layer above and the layer below it. Layers that make up this specific model are: Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, and Physical.

Layer 1 is Physical layer and its importance is to transmit data over a communication circuit.

Layer 2 is Data Link and it manages the physical transmission of layer 1. It performs error detection and correction and decides when a computer or a device can transmit.

Layer 3 is Network which performs routing. Its job is to determine which computer a message should be sent to so that it can follow the best route.

Layer 4 is Transport and it deals with the entrance and departures from the network. It breaks down large transmissions into smaller packets to make sure that they are received and it eliminated duplicates.

Layer 5 is Session. It manages and structures all sessions by arranging all desired and required services. These services include logging into, transferring files, security checks, and using various terminals.

Layer 6 is Presentation and it formats the data for presentation. Presentations main focus is to display, format, and edit user input and output.

Layer 7 is Application. This is the user access to the network.

In order for communication to be successful it is important for each layer in the model to communicate with its matching layer in each computer system.

Fitzgerald, J. and Dennis, A. (2009). Business Data Communications and Networking. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

A communications protocol is used to describe message formats and to exchange messages. Protocols work together to help people to communicate successfully. Protocols that are used today are

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