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Semester Paper


Submitted By nataliiawestphal
Words 10652
Pages 43

Taking the accounting information system of Milkiland
Intermarket as a base of research


Faculty of Business
Field of Study: International Business
Cooperative State University Baden-Wuerttemberg Mannheim

Handed in by: Vladyslava Zhurenkova
Address: Plumstruk 3,
23617 Obernwohlde
Course: WIB-bi 13BI
Student ID-Number: 8658655
Academic Tutor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster
Supervising Tutor at Milkiland Volodymyr Gontar
Corresponding Company: Milkiland Intermarket

Kyiv, Ukraine, 10th September 2014


The Project thesis on hand
“Development of an accounting information system for international market entries
Taking the Accounting information system of the Milkiland
Intermarket as a base of research”
Contains internal resp. confidential data of Milkiland Intermarket. It is strictly forbidden, 

To distribute the content of this paper (including data, figures, tables, charts etc.) as a whole or in extracts,

To make copies or transcripts of this paper or of parts of it,

To display this paper or make it available in digital, electronic virtual form.

Exceptional cases may be considered through permission granted in written form by the author and the Milkiland Intermarket.

Kyiv, Ukraine, 10th September 2014



This paper is focused on the directions of changes and improvements needed in the Accounting Information System of Milkiland Intermarket, both at the present time and in the near future, when the company enters new sales markets. Milkiland Intermarket is a daughter company of Milkiland N.V. – dairy products company of Ukrainian origin registered in the Netherlands. It is responsible for organizing the trade of MNV

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