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Submitted By jalan2001
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Social Development Research

“The Social Construction of the Personal Past and Its Implications for Adult Development” is the name of my article written by Monisha Pasupathi of the University of Utah. It was published in the Psychological Bulletin in 2001. I located this article from the University of Phoenix library and no it was not difficult to locate and the language was somewhat difficult to understand. The reason I picked this article is because it provides me with so much information on the issues in social development in adulthood. Yes, I would use this article in a research paper on this topic because this article provided me with information about the social process and development of the stage. This article also provides me with information about adult intellectual development. The information provided in this article is really interesting and educational. The main points in this article makes concerning social development in adulthood, because it helps me understand rather or not culture plays a part in social development in adulthood, which it does. Yes, I somewhat agree with this article’s on view. Now I knew what this article is talking about when comes life because I believe that depends on how you were brought up and what your surroundings were when you was growing up because the key role in your adulthood life. Some people do not believe this but I believe it plays a huge part in life. Some people believe when you get to a certain age you should make choices on your own no matter where you were raised. This article helps us understand that your culture in a part of everything and it does play a big part in how your adulthood flows or turn out. It also states that this is a stage where marriage and having children takes place which is a big part of one’s life. This article also talks about the relationship part of adulthood rather it is with a lover, your spouse, or even the members of your family like a sister or brother. It talks about what are the sources of high satisfaction for the adulthood stage which it does state would be children. It talks about the strain relationships could place on people at this point and the type of turn outs. I must add yes I would use this article along with other information of course. This article provides great information on the topic and it is very easy to understand.

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