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Sensitive Mothering Is Essential to the Social and Emotional Development of the Child. Discuss This Statement in the Context of Relevant Developmental Theory.


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|Sensitive mothering is essential to the social and emotional development of the child. Discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. |

In this essay I am going to explain the concept of ‘sensitive mothering’ and how it is essential to the social and emotional development of each child. I will discuss this statement in the context of relevant developmental theory. I will discuss the concepts of ‘attachment theory’ encompassing ‘internal working model’ (Bowlbey, cited in Smith, Cowie, Blades, 2003, p98) and quality attachment of John Bowlby. I will also link this explanation to the studies of Mary Ainsworth.
‘Sensitive Mothering’ is defined by Ainsworth (1969) as the style of interaction between the primary caregiver, normally the mother or mother figure, and the baby. Sensitive mothering is when someone is consistently responsive both physically and emotionally to her child. This responsiveness provides the child with a ‘secure base’ (Ainsworth, 1969) thus encouraging them to explore the world. (MCI Module, undated). It involves being sensitive to the needs of the

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