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Seo Optimization


Submitted By steveestefanos
Words 422
Pages 2
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process and actions taken to improve the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's. these processes to optimize the visibility of your website are unpaid results—and referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results. Overall, the higher your website appears on the results page, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO target different kinds of search, for example image search, local search, and video search.

Why do website need SEO? * SEO Brings Your Business Traffic * SEO Provides Your Business Credibility * SEO Have the Best ROI’s for marketing your business
The majority of web traffic is driven by the major commercial search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo! By optimizing your websites keywords it will result with your website becoming higher up on the organic result page, which in turn creates more visits to your site and potentially create more business.
Searchers subconsciously rank your business with the terms they enter in search engines and your organic placement on the results page, they may not realize it, but they do. In the minds of consumers, your placement on the result place gives the business credibility.
SEO is a better form of advertising than other advertising tools because allows you to market to people when they are looking for the products and services your business provides and for the most part its free.
How to implement SEO?
Keyword Research * Make a list of keywords and phrases. * Choose keywords and phrases that have high search volume with low competition to get easily ranked.

Content Optimization * Optimize the URL by using the keyword. * Optimize Meta title tag with the target keyword and company name. * Write a Meta description. * Write a clear header

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