Premium Essay

Sexual Assault


Submitted By bangarang
Words 436
Pages 2
This essay will examine the topic of sexual assault on University campus. Firstly, the legal definition of sexual assault is that it is an offense to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. This essay will examine the sociological research conducted on the topic of sexual assault on University campus, and there have been a number of identified reasons in being sexually assaulted. Reasons that were discovered include the way an individual presented themselves, the intake or abuse of alcohol, and being placed in an abusive relationship. Furthermore, researchers have investigated these topics and discovered the need for programs to help victims of sexual assault due to the long- term effects it has on an individual. With the initiation of these programs, the hope is to help victims move forward in their lives.

The articles that were discovered and expressed these three main points about sexual assault on University campus, the main general question was why? Why was this being done and why were the reported incidences so high for women as opposed to men? Researchers gathered victims of sexual assault on University campus as well as victims of sexual assault not necessarily on a University campus. A theory was proposed called the Routine Activities Theory. This theory portrayed that the reason this act was done to females was because of the way they dressed, the types of social gatherings they went to and what they did for fun. It was said that women who dress themselves more provocatively or revealing of their skin would more than likely catch attention of certain individuals who then developed thoughts in their minds about what should happen, as called an “after, after party.” What happened at these “after, after parties” does not sound very thrilling to go to because it was just a way of getting the woman

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