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Should Minimum Wage Be Abolished Research Paper

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Todd Palmer said it best when he commented, “An increase to the minimum wage won’t help workers in the long run.” Minimum wage workers have plenty of reasons why they should be make more, but most of their reasons can easily be dismissed. Sure, the workers will be making more money, but only trouble can come from an increase in minimum wage. An increase in cost of everyday things, a negative affect on young workers, and an increase in unemployment, companies replacing workers with robots are just a few of the problems that can unfold. If we increase the minimum amount that people can make, then companies have to increase the price for their products so that they can pay their employees the minimum. “[B]usinesses tend to react to minimum wage increases by raising the prices of the goods and services they provide” (Hirby). Also, if you increase how much people make, now because you have more money to spend, you should be able to pay more for your necessities. This is going to cause for another demand for an increase in minimum wage.
Workers protest that they are unable to adequately finance their families, but the point of minimum wage was never to support a family. Minimum wage was meant for high school and college students with …show more content…
“[E]conomic studies have shown that a higher minimum wage entices some teenage students to drop out” (Henderson). If students know that they can make $15 an hour a McDonald’s, what’s the point in being in high school? A full-time employee making $15 per hour make around $31,000 a year, that’s enough to convince a teenage to drop out of school. "’When legislators raise the price of low- and unskilled labor, it’s usually low- and unskilled laborers who end up paying the price,’ Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby wrote in a piece last week” (Shemkus). Some young people just want job experience so they can get a better job in the future, they don’t necessarily want $15 per

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