Premium Essay

Should Uniforms Be Mandatory


Submitted By tdnobles1
Words 944
Pages 4
School Uniform
School uniforms would produce a safe and structured learning environment for students. Which is the first requirement of a good school. Students that feel safe in their environment are more apt to learn and not worry about their appearance.
School uniforms in public schools are becoming increasingly popular across the nation. The public school system would benefit greatly if this policy were to be enforced. Resistance is always a problem when trying to make changes. Taking all things into account, the positive effects would be far greater than the negative effects. School uniforms should be mandatory in public schools because their use would lead to higher education, less violence, and lower cost to parents.
By requiring school uniforms in public schools, education will be improved and a dress code can enforce discipline towards learning. Uniforms improve a person’s outlook toward success as students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer distractions, students see the school as a workplace for teaching and learning. Students also have less stress in their lives because they are not in a fashion show or competition. Dress codes also lead to a change in grades and part of the change is because it would be easier for students to focus on their academics when everyone is dressed the same.
School uniforms would also decrease violence in public schools. There would be less peer pressure toward trying to fit in with the in-crowd and distractions from studies. Uniforms being required would cause the students not to focus on their appearance. School requiring uniforms would cut down on weapons tremendously, by not being able to conceal a weapon. Violence will decrease because it will be difficult to conceal a weapon while wearing a school uniform which will also prevent being able to hide the weapons and bring them to school or

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