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Skin Pressure Sore Research Paper

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The way a patient is transferred and positioned for a particular procedure or during rest is known as positioning the patient. Every health professional is duty-bound to protect his patients from any possible harm. One of the ways to provide this protection is in a correct position to avoid different problems associated with poor positioning. Proper positioning reduces the risk of pressure-related damage to nerves, muscle, skin, and joints.1
When the patient is misplaced for an extended period of time different complications may arise. Four of the most common complications are:
1. Skin pressure sores: Health professionals should make sure that different pressure points around osseous prominences such as iliac crest, sacrum, and heels are well-accommodated and padded. It is also important to detect signs of skin decomposition after long periods of time in the same position by a certain procedure. In this way, we can avoid pressure sores. They provide adequate equipment and auxiliary means to avoid this damage, for example, soft cushions, pillows, rollers. The purpose of using these means is that they absorb the compressive force, redistribute …show more content…
Compartment syndrome: A life and limb complication associated with poor patient positioning prolonged compression of a limb's vessels can impede circulation and lead to a compartment syndrome that causes muscle necrosis and loss of function. This syndrome is most frequently observed in long-term operations in the lithotomy position. Safe positioning should allow adequate blood flow to all four extremities.5 According to the AORN Positioning Patient Guide, patients in the lithotomy position should be repositioned at set intervals during the procedure, if possible. The time a patient can remain in this position without risk of injury is unknown. But if it is known that the longer the patient passes with the legs in that position, the greater the risk of suffering neuropathy, neurovascular complication or compartment

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