Premium Essay

Sneezing and Seinfeld


Submitted By h3yitselaine
Words 687
Pages 3
In various cultures and traditions, sneezing has long been associated with malign behavior. A sneeze can signify a disruption in biological harmony, as a forerunner to a cold or the plague. Religiously, sneezing is thought to drive away evil spirits from entering the nostrils, "a gateway between the spiritual and physical" (Examiner). Saying "bless you" or "gesundheit" is considered the proper social reaction and centuries of habit has deeply ingrained this behavior into society. It has developed a sort of "functional autonomy" meaning that the modern implication of "bless you" is detached from its roots (Psychology Today). Acknowledging a stranger, be it holding the door or elevator, is not only tied to the impression an individual gives, but it has become a norm and an expectation in everyday behavior. Some may even be offended or hurt when others do not conform, leading to a dispute like the one between Robin and Michael in Seinfeld's "Good Samaritan" episode. Analyzing the social context makes it apparent that society uses norms to guide behavior and pressure people to conform while frowning upon those who stray from expectations.

In a Seinfeld scene where Robin, Michael, Elaine, and George have dinner at a moderately classy restaurant, Robin sneezes and George hesitates before saying "bless you." George then proceeds to joke that Michael, who is Robin's husband, ought to have the responsibility of saying "bless you" first (Seinfeldology). George points out Michael's lack of adherence to the social norms demanded in such a formal setting. In this case, there is a variety of factors that shape the level of formality. The group is in a relatively upscale environment where appropriate attire applies, wine is served, and diners ask instead of reaching over for the bread basket. This adds to the social pressure that comes with proper dinner table manners and

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