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Social Injustice


Submitted By horner1980
Words 519
Pages 3
Suzanne Horner
Week 2 Checkpoint Assignment
Social Injustice
AED200—Contemporary Issues in American Education
Dr. Christine Duhamel

Name: Suzanne Horner
Subject: Week 2 Checkpoint Assignment
Title: Social Injustice
Course: AED200—Contemporary Issues in American Education
Instructor: Dr. Christine Duhamel
Date: 05/08/2014 Social Injustice
The greatest social injustice in the classroom comes from students feeling like they matter less in their school than other children do. Many schools have a select group of students who seem to make the school events repeatedly while others are lost in the crowd.

Preferential Treatment based on Social Class
One of the great injustices in the local schools is in the treatment of students based on social class. Where many schools don’t treat the lower income children badly, they do often cater to children from certain families. In my nephew’s former school, it seemed every contest held awarded in some way a certain family that happened to share a name with a locally owned car dealership. My son’s school, it seems to follow certain families that are active in local sports and other groups. Children from lower income families seem to be ignored in many events. Some might argue that this is the result of fixed results in the contests. Others might say that it is because these children are less involved and therefore are less capable in these contests. Sadly, if the latter is true, then this may be a sign that these children are getting less out of their education. To offset this issue, teachers need to look closely at the talents of all children in their class.
Contests should not consistently cater to one talent, but should be diverse enough that all children should have the chance to feel good about their strengths. Competitions should not necessarily focus on a

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