Premium Essay

Social Media Essay


Submitted By SSAMesbah
Words 633
Pages 3
The popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and YouTube have taken over the world in many ways that nobody would ever guess. These sites lets users to make profiles automatically where they can communicate with friends, families, and strangers through pictures, blogs, music, links and many other ways. As social networking sites become more important to society, some people agrees that these online sites are causing society a great trouble, especially the teens (our generation). Many sites cause harassment, bully, violation of someone’s privacy etc… Social media can change a person life but these days it’s affecting negatively, especially teens. Social sites can ruin a person’s life by violating his/her privacy or by giving them the false information.

Social media sites can make it harder for us to decide the meaningful relationships we have in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. Social media is available to criminals as well as friends. The damage of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In several well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The secrecy online can bring out dark desire that might never would come out. It’s a common thing. I see people more talkative in social media sites than they are in person.

Social media sites are affecting student all over the world negatively because this generation is glued to social media sites like Jim Morrison said in his quote “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind”. They can’t take a step without it. They spend most of their time on these sites than they spend on their school work. It’s affecting their grade greatly. Even I spend a lot of time social media site everyday. I know its bad but sometimes I just use it without even caring about it. Parents are really concerned about it

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