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Social and Environmental Factors


Submitted By nupuragrawal
Words 2513
Pages 11

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End of Mayan Civilization

...researchers have put forth a large number of theories for the explanation of the collapse and subsequent decimation of the Mayan empire. Although it would be convenient or simple to put forth a theory concerning only one reasonable or rational factor explaining the collapse of the Mayan civilization, this would be both insufficient and impossible from a strictly theoretical standpoint. For example, Henry M. Sayre argues that by 900 A. D. (900 CE), Mayan civilization had been decimated as a result of not just one single factor, but, rather, as a result of a number of equally important factors. These factors included overpopulation and accompanying ecological degradation, political competition, and warfare (Sayre, 2012, p.392). Once again, it is essential to clearly articulate the fact that it is theoretically impossible to put forth only one single underlying factor in a theory offering a coherent explanation for the collapse of the Mayan civilization. However, one particular theory, a comprehensive theory focusing specifically upon drought as an environmental and climate factor, offers the best possible explanation for the Mayan collapse. As a fundamental environmental and climate factor, drought offers a more rational explanation than social factors such as overpopulation, political competition, and warfare. When tested and...

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