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Society Revealed In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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In the book Anthem, written by Ayn Rand, the most important aspect in the story is realizing the world is not about “we,” but “I.” The society is not equal, each person is an individual. Instead of using the world “we,” the society needs to use the word “I” because each person is different in their own way and have their own thoughts. A person has their own way of doing things. No one is this world is equal, and each person should have the freedom to be equal. Throughout the book, the Council of Vocations make sure that everything is done a proper way, if not you will be punished. Everyone in the society has to be equal. Although it might not seem that way because each person is given a specific job, but they all have the same punishment, and have to …show more content…
People see themselves as being their own person, “I,” instead of “we,” but in reality the government is really controlling all of the citizens in the United States. People are allowed to make their own decisions, and do what they want to an extent, but there is punishment if you break the laws. Everyone thinks they have equality but they do not in all aspects. The government rules which wars America enters, follows the Constitution to an extent, controls the money, but more importantly, controls what is happening throughout the Country. People may not realize it, but the government has control over every single citizen in America. If they break a law, they get punished, if someone does not pay their bills, they get punished. For example, kids are not allowed to be enrolled in school without getting vaccinations, that is the government having control over kids even though people might not realize that control. Just like in the book Anthem, the government runs the country. The society is not as bad as the one in the book, but if the government keeps running America like it is doing today, then it might end up that

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