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State Rights in the American Civil War


Submitted By joofa97
Words 896
Pages 4
The extent that state rights played was significant and was responsible in the outbreak of the civil war, however the issues such as slavery, Lincoln’s election, westward expansion and basic differences between north and south were also instrumental and a key factor in the outbreak of the civil war.

Not just state rights but slavery also played a significant role in the outbreak of the civil war. Tension grew between the confederates and the union with slavery rights. The north wanted slavery out and the south wanted to keep them in. With this tension growing a civil war became closer and closer to out breaking. There were about three million slaves in America in 1619. The north grew out of slavery and the south did the exact opposite by depending more and more on slavery. From Yankees and confederates in the American stats in the mid – 19th century it reads, “This fundamental difference was one of the key causes of the American civil war”. Slavey was a fundamental difference because the north did not want slaves in America and the south did. This is because it was the way of life for the confederates. They did not want a anti-slavery country because number one their businesses would suffer but also the way they went about life. The south argued that the north just could not simply take away slavery and that it is typical for the union to tell the south what it should do. The south thought that the northerner’s assumed that they were better then them and they are of a high class of them. This is also contributing fact to the outbreak of the civil war.

Lincoln’s election also contributed immensely towards the outbreak of the civil war because simply Lincoln was in favour of the north. From the retrospective year 11 modern history textbook it reads,” Lincolns election was seen as a disaster in the south”. If Lincoln were elected the president of America the

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