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Steven Johnson Where Good Ideas Come from


Submitted By Pharoch
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Essential Components for Great Ideas

Strategies for the Technical Professional
Module 3 Lab 1

Mark Hicks

Some of the world’s greatest ideas and accomplishments did not just appear from thin air; rather most were cultivated through years of collaboration and through multiple modifications of the original hunch or hypothesis. Group collaboration and environments that support a creative atmosphere, essential components to the process of great ideas, is seemingly the idea Steven Johnson is trying to drive home in his video, “Where Good Ideas Come From”. Steven Johnson was trying to express or convey the message that great ideas come from a particular place setting or environment of specific stimuli that allow two or more people, with similar interests, to come together and further collaborate on one or more ideas and expand on an idea or hunch. His given example of said environment was the beginning of coffee shops. Coffee shops started springing into existence in the 1650’s after people were trying to figure out what else they could drink besides alcohol due to water typically being tainted. The population was used to consuming a depressant, alcohol, all day and then coffee shops started popping up and the population started drinking a stimulant, coffee, all day. In response to the change Steve Johnson accredits coffee shops with the beginning of great ideas. In essence people would gather at the coffee shops and drink and socialize all day so many great ideas got tossed around and elaborated upon. Steven Johnson was also stressing the importance of collaboration. Most people who come up with a great idea tend to want to keep it safe or protected from public view and others in fear that the idea they had may be taken from them, whereas Steven Johnson stresses the point that some of the greatest ideas had more than one mind behind them. He stresses that one particular persons idea could be so much more if perceived from different views and worked on as a team of two or more. Two great examples of collaboration were Guier and Weiffenbach on the orbital tracking of the Sputnik and Snow and Whiteheads discovery of Cholera being water born instead of air born. Guier and Weiffenbach were two gentlemen sitting at a lunch table the Monday after the Soviets had launched Sputnik the prior Friday. Somehow the idea came about as to whether anybody had tried to listen for Sputnik as opposed to just view it. The two men looked further into this idea and eventually came up with the entire orbital projection course of the Sputnik. Several days later their boss, Frank McClure, basically asked if they could reverse the procedure used to locate a satellite from the ground to space, to make a satellite find an unknown location on the ground. Guier and Weiffenbach did some calculations and discovered that they could indeed reverse the process and GPS was born. Another example given by Johnson was the idea that John Snow had on the Cholera outbreak. Snow had ideas that Cholera was being distributed through the water whereas the authorities and higher ups refused to hear it and continued to believe it was transported through the air. Snow decided to use maps and collaborated with Reverend Henry Whitehead, who gathered much of Snows information, to discover where the majority of the deaths were occurring and upon completion of the maps the two discovered the majority of the deaths occurred around or near the town well. These are just two examples that stress Johnsons view on the importance of collaboration. Another issue Steven Johnson wished to stress was how most great ideas are portrayed in the light that the idea just came to life one day in one big awe inspiring moment when in all actuality many of the ideas had been in existence for years, but had yet to be collaborated on and explored further. For instance Snow had a hunch for 6 years or so that Cholera was coming from the water, but until he took the necessary steps and collected vital information no authorities would listen to his ideas. Johnson stresses the importance of the slow hunch. The slow hunch is where an idea or hypothesis is formed that is durable and persistent and is slowly developed further over a period of time. After some time the idea may be introduced to somebody else’s ideas and influences and through collaboration the idea is further developed until a great idea is born. Steven Johnson in essence was trying to stress a couple different ideas as to where the beginnings of great ideas are developed. Through collaboration and environmental stimuli that support open creativity as well as social interaction, a slow hunch or idea can be developed into something amazing that could change the world forever. He stresses the importance of opening up your ideas to others as opposed to hiding them so that through collaboration and multiple points of views the said idea can be developed to its maximum potential as opposed to never getting off the ground or gaining the information needed to make it the next big discovery.

Johnson S. ( Date N/A)video “Where Good Ideas Come From”

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