Premium Essay

Strategy to Change Culture


Submitted By kedleston
Words 2615
Pages 11






Contents Page

College Vision, Mission and Values 3

Existing Cultures 4

Overarching College Priorities 4

Bringing about culture change 5

The 5 step journey 6

Roles & Responsibilities 8

Communication & embedding the values 9

Benchmarking 9

Training & Development needs 9

Significant barriers and overcoming them 10

Priorities 11

College Vision, Mission and Values

The Strategic Vision For The Merged College Is:

“An inspirational organisation that delivers excellence”

Mission Statement:

“To provide high-quality education and training that is inclusive, and which matches and supports the needs of our diverse learners and the local and regional economy”

Corporate Values:

▪ Place learners at the heart of everything we do

▪ Promote a progressive, inspirational and dynamic approach to teaching and learning which responds to learners

▪ Create an environment and ethos which encourages learning and skills development

▪ Promote and provide opportunities for successful participation in education for people from all backgrounds and abilities

▪ Strive for excellence in all aspects of college business

▪ Encourage staff to embrace challenging professional standards and raise achievement

▪ Promote the principles of sustainability in use of resources and energy

▪ Respect the rights and responsibilities of all.

Existing Cultures

School Partnerships ▪ 14-16 ▪ Alternative Provision ▪ 16+

Foundation Learning Tier (FLT) ▪ Existing level 1 16-19 ▪ SLDD ▪ NEETs ▪ Prince’s Trust

Additional Learning Support (ALS)

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