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Stress Management Among Students


Submitted By bipinbagri
Words 2866
Pages 12
Analysis of Stress Management amongst Students

Bipin Singh Bagari SIMS Rashmi Shankar SIMS Vishal Taneja SIMS

Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies
Symbiosis International University, Pune, India

Abstract Stress is a growing concern amongst students. Signs of fatigue, frustration, negative mindset are very much evident. Its effects, if ignored, could be absolutely disastrous. Stress management is needed to be taught for the benefit of students who are striving really hard to manage good scores and grades, compromising on other important aspects of their lives like hobbies, exercise, socializing etc. A questionnaire was framed for data collection and analysis, and was distributed among 100 students undergoing graduation or post-graduation courses. Forgoing in view, the nature of the research study was kept descriptive and exploratory, which helped in identifying causes for potential stress and how they created a significant effect on academic performance. Results highlighted the fact that students do suffer from a lot of stress. This was attributed to various factors such as no hobbies, negligence towards fitness, inability to cope with studies, education system and the ever increasing parental pressure. The topic covers the area of management. 1. Keywords
Stress, Students, Stress management. 2. Introduction
A lot has been discussed about the effects of stress.

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