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Submitted By ankj1987
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SVKM’s NMIMS , School of Business Management Master of Business Administration (MBA): Second Year (2011-2012) • • • • Business Environment and Strategy • • • • • Trimester IV Summer Internship ** Strategy Implementation (1) • • • • • Trimester V Environmental Management (1) • • Trimester VI

Compulsory Courses

Communication Economics

Management Consulting –Risk Consulting I (1) Management Consulting –Technology Consulting (1) Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Management (1) Managing Business Turnaround ( 1) Business Analytics –Strategy Module (1) • Negotiation Skills (1) • Emerging Market Economies (1) • Market Organization of Infrastructure Sector (1)

Management Consulting –Strategy Module (1) Strategic Alliance (1) Business Simulation (1) Strategic Innovation Management (1)

Intellectual Property Rights (1) Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development (1)

• Network Economics (1) • Economics of Industrial Organization (0.5)

Finance Area

• International Finance (1) • Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (1) • Quantitative Techniques in Finance (1) • Strategic Cost Management (1) • Advance Financial Statement Analysis (.5) • Commercial Bank Management (1)

• Management of Financial Institution (1) • Strategic Financial Management (1) • Fixed Income Securities (1) • Risk Management and Derivatives (1) • Project Appraisal and Financing (1) • Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Restructuring and Valuation (1) • Corporate Tax Planning (1)

• Forensic Accounting (.5) • Commodity Markets (1) • Behavioral Finance (1) • Private Equity and Venture Capital Finance (1) • Insurance Management (1)

Human Resource and Behavioral Sciences

• Behavioral Dynamics in Organization (1) • Employee Relations & Labor Laws (1)* • HR Selection & Recruitment (1)* • Performance Management (1)* • Learning to Lead (0.5) Work Shop * • Human Resource Audit •

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Clause and Phrses clauses and phrases work will help you better understand sentence structure. You’ll need to have a working knowledge of subjects, predicates, and objectsbefore you continue. Clauses A clause is a subject and a predicate working together. Examples I took the dog to the park. The example has one subject, I, and one predicate, took. Since they are working together to form a comprehensible sentence, this sentence has one clause. I love learning, so I spend a lot of time reading. This example has two predicates: love and spend. Since they are each working together with separate subjects, this sentence has two clauses. Phrases A phrase is a group of words related to the subject, predicate, or object. Phrases do not contain a subject and a predicate, or we would call them clauses. Phrases provide additional information about subjects, predicates, and / or objects, and understanding how they work is helpful to building an analyzing sentences. Examples After working late into the night, Jack fell asleep on his desk. The emboldened portion of the sentence exemplifies the phrase. It provides additional information about our subject, Jack, but the sentence does not require this information to be grammatically complete. I left my keys inside of the Whole Foods, my favorite grocery store. In this example sentence, the predicate is left and the subject is I. On the other side of the sentence we have a phrase that provides additional information about the object of the sentence Whole...

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A Contrastive Analysis Between Nominal Clause in English and Vietnamese Equivalents

...HANOI UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ---------- GRADUATION PAPER B.A DEGREE IN ENGLISH A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN NOMINAL CLAUSE IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS Supervisor : Nguyễn Thị Hưởng, MA Student : Đặng Thị Thơi Student ID : 0541180107 Group : ĐHTA2 – Intake 5 Hanoi, May, 2014 DECLARATION I certify that no part of the report has been copied or reproduced by me from any other person’s work without acknowledgement and that the report is originally written by me under strict guidance of my supervisor. Date of submitted: May 05, 2014 StudentĐặng Thị Thơi | SupervisorNguyễn Thị Hưởng | | | ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For the accomplishment of this study, I have received a great deal of support and assistance from many dedicated individuals. First of all, I would like to express my faithful and deepest thanks to my supervisor, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Huong (M.A) for her useful references, excellent advices and readiness during my study process. Secondly, I would like to show my gratitude to all teachers at Faculty of Foreign Language, Hanoi University of Industry for their support during the time of the course. I want to thank all linguists and grammarians whose researchers have been quoted in this study. My thanks also go to my beloved family and my friends who always stand by my side and encourage me from my reparation until the completion...

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I Like Stuff

...and 2,500 words (excluding notes and bibliography) and represent original and independent work. There may be a case for writing a slightly shorter essay if one of your universities requires a shorter sample essay. Supplying an accurate word count is in any case crucial. Your essay should aim to be quite a focused piece and be a work of analysis and interpretation rather than just description. You may need to seek advice on the planning, structuring and the title of your essay. Some modifications may be necessary for scientific submissions. Where will inspiration for my essay come from? Your essay may, or may not be, a further development of normal subject work (e.g. Physics Research and Analysis, English Phillimore, History Gibbon Prize etc); it may be on subjects which have no existing prizes; it may be on a subject which is not on the curriculum (e.g. Anthropology) or which is cross-curricular (e.g. English and History of Art); or it may have emerged from Cultural perspectives lessons, the Cultural Perspectives timed essay which you take at the end of this term, be inspired by Critical Thinking work or be a ‘further developed’ praebendum essay. You should state in a covering note how and why the essay came about. Of course, it may represent a completely new and independent study of a personal academic interest of your own. When is the deadline? The deadline is the first day of Play Term after...

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Premium Essay

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Contrast Analysis

...Introduction The focus of the present thesis is the passive voice, perceived from a semantico-syntactic point of view. My primary aim is to explore the use and functions of the passive voice in English, examining the reasons which motivate an author to prefer the passive form to the active one. Secondary interest is devoted to the function and the use of the passive voice in Czech. As research material I have chosen the short stories by the American writer O. Henry and their Czech translations by Stanislav Klíma. The reasons why I have chosen the genre of a short story are that it is noted for the unity of time, place and action. I believe that due to this fact, the results of my research will give higher evidence of the use of the passive voice since the basis for comparison is unified and compact contrary to, for example, a novel. For the same reason of evidence, I explore just the translations of one translator, since everyone has his/her personal style and different way of thinking and understanding of original text. I am interested in the issue of information packaging, especially in the different ways of expressing one and the same reality in the two languages: when both active and passive versions are formally permitted, what factors favour the choice of one over other? The passive voice is a phenomenon which is involved both in English and in Czech but in unlike extent. As far as I know, the passive voice is a favourite means of expression in English whereas in Czech...

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