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Success Factors of Crowdsourcing


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'Sucessful Crowdfunding campaign’

Crowdsourcing emerges as a new paradigm of organization used by companies to reach out to distributed talent in the context of a globally interconnected society (Villarroel et al 2007, 2011a, 2011b). Although the term “crowdsourcing” is relatively new (Howe 2006), and it has only received theoretical attention by management academics in recent years (Geerts, 2009) (Malone, et al., 2010), crowdsourcing initiatives led by companies have over two decades of existence, finding roots in the software industry (von Hippel & von Krog, 2003).
Crowdsourcing offers a new business model that allows companies to gather faster and at a lower cost, the knowledge distributed among the population, specific to each one of us, the knowledge of time and place. (Hayek, 1945) (Schenk & Guittard, 2011)(Villarroel 2008, 2011c; Villarroel & Taylor 2007). (Malone, et al., 2010)

Even though crowdsourcing is emerging recently to the understanding of a wider audience, it has stuck the eye of a few lecturers as early as 1998, whilst Thomas Malone and Robert Laubacher, noticed the organizational changes in motion and expected long term consequences (Malone & Laubacher, 1998). The Linux case has highlighted these new flexible businesses which might be assembled at some point of the initiatives and then are dissolved once the venture is done so staff can then seek for long term projects to paintings on. (Malone & Laubacher, 1998) This new style revolutionizes the organizational construction that we are used to: the economic system turns into centered within the individual as an alternative of within the corporate.
The organizational habits of firms has advanced all the way through the centuries, and crowdsourcing is but another major change within the habits of companies. The word crowdsourcing derives from the contraction of Outsourcing, phenomenon that has been seen in our society for the last many years as a result of the fee force every company is dealing with, and Crowd, the gifted group of workers unfold during the sector associated through a network.
“Crowdsourcing represents the act of a company or an institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call. The crucial prerequisite is the use of the open call format and the wide network of potential laborers” (Howe, 2006)
Crowdsourcing represents the act of a company or it to an undefined network of people in the form of an open call. This can take the form of peer-production , but is also often undertaken by sole individuals. The crucial prerequisite is the use of the open call format and the large network of potential labourers. Howe (2006)
As we recognized, with the present financial conjecture, corporations face the imperative of decreasing prices at all cost in order to turn into extra versatile. but unfortunately this isn't a contemporary problem for firms and the mainstream way to this challenge has been laying off company workers and hiring outsourcing firms, ideally in places with low-wages, to perform the paintings previously done throughout the limitations of the company. With the technological tendencies in information and communications generation (ICT), that let the instant and priceless percentage of information all the way through the sector, firms and people can now outsource a few duties to the group, at a much less expensive price. one of the most perks and the delivered worth of the internet is the big variety of folks the use of it and speaking through it, growing its network.
In this way, the internet represents an ideal attainable to all of those who want to habits their business or a part of their operations through this car, on the grounds that in 2011 35p.c. of the sector inhabitants is using the web, which represents a 94percent increase as opposed to the overall number of customers in 2006. (ITU, 2011) more than half of these users are from the creating countries (sixty five%), from which 37percent are chinese.
The wide pool of skill available to the crowdsourcing initiatives of businesses derives from these types of folks attached to this community that are keen to work. the overall dimension of the network of other people is a very powerful to the crowdsourcing projects, for the reason that attaining its critical mass is a key luck factor in this organizational model.
The crowdsourcing tasks are, in line with Howe, launched as an open name to the group. The more than a few examples of crowdsourcing initiatives show that for giant initiatives by which firms or people are particularly searching for the most efficient or fastest answer, doing an open call assures a top quantity of answers that may be a determinant factor to find it. As it is the case of all initiatives posted in Innocentive and the Linux case in 1991.
In crowdsourcing there are two agents that are essential to any activity: the work giver company and the contributors. A third agent may appear, so the work giver and the crowd can more easily meet: an intermediary. This intermediary can take different forms: it can be the platform where the other agents meet; it can be a contact center that works as a training facility and provides the infrastructure to the workers that cannot have access to it otherwise.
However, crowdsourcing procedure too can apply a bottom-up pattern where crowd initiates a concept. platforms corresponding to, that is a social product construction corporate, the product ideas are available in, their group works on them, and then they sell it, are essentially observeing a bottom-up process the place users are the ones who publish concepts but platforms such as, which they clear up vital problems proposed by way of firms, really follow a most sensible-down procedure where they are established to corporations’ open calls. This definition overlooks a range of platforms which are a hit and so they use crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a model of best-down and bottom-up.


Moreover, different corporations that had been early adaptors of this means, comparable to
Dell, Threadless, Starbucks, Adidas, BBC, BMW, Ducati, and Muji initiated crowdsourcing as probably the most drivers of innovation or enhancement.Some see crowdsourcing appealing to companies due to the fact it is an solution to doubtlessly obtain a large number of novel and commercial concepts, at rather low prices from such tasks (Huang, Vir Singh, Srinivasan (2011). is a superb instance. Having more than a hundred and 20000 participants has made Threadless a strong actor in its respected field, clothing.
Threadless develops each and every week a couple of merchandise that experience a excellent marketplace. All is possible as a result of there is a massive crowd who post ideas, a large crowd who improve the speculation and a large crowd who buy the final merchandise.
(Ogawa, Susum Piller, Frank T 2006) A good example for Crowdfunding would be way elevating money from large, undefined network of folks as an alternative of soliciting huge sum of money from a small group of buyers.(Belleflamme, Lambert, and Schwienbacher 2011) in this approach there is no challenge in terms of cost. you can contribute any amount of money you wish. the owner of venture must compensate your effort in a good means whether with the product (if it\'s the end result of the crowdfunded mission) or with a form of gratitude.
Crowd Labour is to use a big crowd on the net for duties and jobs that demand an enormous collaboration. The famous example is Amazon Mechanical Turk (
Crowd innovation is said to these initiatives that firms via an open call ask a crowd approximately an issue, problem. this kind of platform endeavours to tap into a big crowd to get them to Leverages open innovation and crowdsourcing to lend a hand organization to resolve their challenges.Disbursed knowledge systems goal to distribute and combination wisdom through huge collaboration of customers and pooling knowledge.Wikipedia and Yahoo resolution are superb instances.

Crowdsourcing Contributors

The crowdsourcing initiatives are, according to Howe, released as an open call to the community. The various examples of crowdsourcing initiatives show that for big projects in which companies or individuals are specifically searching for the best or fastest solution, doing an open call assures a high volume of answers that can be a determinant factor in finding it. As it is the case of all initiatives posted in Innocentive and the Linux case in 1991.
In crowdsourcing there are two agents that are essential to any activity: the work giver company and the contributors. A third agent may appear, so the work giver and the crowd can more easily meet: an intermediary. This intermediary can take different forms: it can be the platform where the other agents meet; it can be a contact center that works as a training facility and provides the infrastructure to the workers that cannot have access to it otherwise.
The cases in which we're focusing in this research are on-line marketplaces, the easiest example of those new brief trade arrangements, the place corporations, from now on known as paintings givers, meet the workers for his or her subsequent initiatives.
In these platforms, work givers first must register so then they can put up the work they wish to see performed in the platform: they define the category, length and remuneration, among other variables and watch for workers to use for his or her jobs. after they receive packages they can review the curriculums of the employees, and the performance metrics made available by means of the platform and select who they need to work on their mission.
Very similar to an actual recruiting process that we live these days, but faster and with fewer prices. As soon as the venture is assigned to the workers, the work givers can display their progress, depending on the gear equipped by the platform, and at the end of the challenge, the work giver reviews the standard of the work and will pay the agreed amount.

Online market places

Online work continues to grow exponentially, despite the economic recession that has been put pressure both on companies and on countries. In 2011 this market reached $1 billion. (Elance, 2011). As success factor is size of the potential workforce. In order to overcome this challenge companies can take advantage of online marketplace such as Elance, oDesk, Freelancer and People per hour, that provide a meeting point for workers and work givers.
These companies are made up of individual contributors that register in the platform, expecting to be hired for a paid job. They fill in resumes, take tests and wait to be hired.
The greater the talent pool the better, since it represents a much wider group of potential workers, which companies are very interested in, so they can be almost certain that they can find the best candidate to perform the job among the candidates. Knowing that the probability of this happening increases with the size of the supply of work, they will always be searching for the platforms with higher number of registered users.
Nevertheless, the number of potential workers isn’t the only aspect in the decision-making process of companies; they want to have a reliable monitoring model, where they can follow the progress of the worker, or of the team of workers, as if they were working indoors.

The crowdsourcing tasks can be divided into three types of tasks: simple, routine tasks; creative tasks and complex tasks. (Busarovs, 2011) (Schenk & Guittard, 2011).
Simple duties come with marketplace research, translations, symbol tagging, word recognitions that may be paid or not, and will succeed in a lot of contributors. the main advantages of this sort of activity are the low prices of its implementation and the prospective reach for participants and the volume of data accrued, because it doesn’t need explicit coaching or knowledge it may be performed by means of anyone with an web connection. this type of crowdsourcing is known as Integrative crowdsourcing, while the delivered worth of those initiatives comes from the entire quantity of data amassed (Schenk & Guittard, 2011). on this style, the remuneration is regularly low to guarantee the low-price merit supplied by the answer and because the answers aren’t knowledge intensive.
A crowdsourcing intermediary known as TxtEagle, is a good instance of this kind of crowdsourcing. TxtEagle provides market research services and products and translation products and services in Kenya to important firms from the industrialized global. It service is offered using the population’ mobiles and permits solutions of brief surveys and translation of words or sentences via somebody with a mobile carrier. This type guarantees a big scale of members. Selective crowdsourcing while a company choses the most efficient answer from a wide range of alternatives (Schenk & Guittard, 2011). on the other hand this resolution is not with out risks, as most complex tasks require a lot private knowledge that businesses will have to moderately divulge so as not to lose their competitive advantage.
Innocentive is a crowdsourcing platform introduced in 201 via former managers of the Eli Lilly corporate, the place companies post their most complicated issues that the most sensible “indoor” clinical professionals cannot solve, and corporations have little hope to look them resolved. In exchange for a solution, firms pay a top fastened prize to the best solution in a “winner-takes-it-all mechanism” (Schenk & Guittard, 2011), that the majority of occasions the prize amount is way smaller than the price of any answer evolved internally.
Finally, creative tasks constitute a choice for leading edge and creative resolutions by means of a large pool of participants, the gang. In this kind of crowdsourcing we will find each integrative and selective crowdsourcing. If the corporate teams all the concepts generated via the group and assists in keeping all of them we're talking in regards to the integrative crowdsourcing, if the corporate is best interested in the most productive solution we\'re talking approximately selective crowdsourcing. one of the most identified circumstances of inventive duties that Jeff Howe talks about in his article within the stressed magazine, is the case of iStockpicture (Howe, 2006). it is a platform the place execs and amateurs can share their very own photos so corporations and individuals should buy them for a couple of greenbacks. iStockphoto has revolutionized the photography trade, where skilled by means of used to sell their photos at more than one hundred$ every. (Howe, 2006). any other aspect that has give a contributiond to the good fortune of iStockphotograph is the power right away percentage the content to somebody within the community, that is enabled by way of the internet; folks from everywhere the sector can contribute to the picture stock of the platform and can right away be attached with a potential buyer. on this model, the rewards are variable: they are able to range from as small as a few cents to very prime when we are speaking about creative initiatives for large firms like Airbus in developing new business models, as an example.
In the table below we can find a short summary of the characteristics of these three types of crowdsourcing activities:

Types |Activities |Knowledge intensities |Benefits |Rewards |Examples | |Simple routine tasks |Market research, translation, image tagging

|Low |Scale,low cost |Micro |TxtEagle, Amazon Mechanical Turk

| |Complex tasks |New product and services development, problem solving

|Extremely high |Variety |From micro to Dollars reward |Threadles, Innocentive, Netflix contest

| |Creative tasks |Innovation, new content

|High |Variety |From micro to millionaire reward |iStockphoto,
“Fly your idea” by Airbus

| |

Crowdsourcing presents many advantages in comparison to traditional organizational models of companies, namely:

Market or scale advantage: as employers and employees no longer need to be in the same geographical location, any person with a problem can be connected with someone with a solution, around the world via internet or mobile telephone connection;

− Quality advantage: a large range of contributors reflects in a wide range of possible solutions, there are very poor solutions but also very high quality solutions. As it was showed with Wikipedia in a study done by Nature magazine, that the quality of the articles published in Wikipedia was similar to the ones published in Britannica long regarded as “the gold standard of human knowledge” (Villarroel, 2011) (Giles, 2005);

− Speed advantage: since a wide potential for contributors are connected from all over the world the speed at which one can obtain answers is higher than any other kind of collaborations, like in the case of Wikipedia where anyone can edit the content and it has been observed by a study of Nature magazine that all errors that were present in Wikipedia’ articles were corrected in a short time span (Giles, 2005);

− Cost advantage: in opposition to traditional work, through crowdsourcing companies or individuals can get the work done for less money as compared to the work performed in traditional companies since they aren’t liked to single provider and there is a strong competition among potential service providers that cannot collude when setting the prices leading to perfect competition in setting prices. (Villarroel, 2011)

−Qetwork externalities: the individual contributions in a crowdsourcing initiative make other contributors want to participate and help build a project together. This is the case in the development of applications for operating systems;

Quality issues: as crowdsourcing initiatives are performed with none or less control from a management team, and most of the times are a result of scattered participations, quality is a very big issue for the industry. Many platforms working in this industry try to overcome this problem with various systems: TxtEagle has many respondents for the same project in order to control the solutions, the chosen one is the one that most of the respondents picked; Wikipedia relies on its community of contributors as the quality management process; Ushaidi also relies on the community of participants to denounce false news.

− Absence of legal agreement: in most of the crowdsourcing initiatives no agreement is signed between the two parties of a crowdsourcing project. When there is an agreement, most of the times it offers better protection for the work giver than for the worker, which can cause many abuses in the relationship. (Busarovs, 2011)

− Manipulation issues: in contests initiatives, participants can more easily fraud the activity by using the same URL to vote more than once. Additionally in these contests, people with larger networks have an advantage over others that don’t.

− Few contributors: as we have seen, the number of contributors is a critical success factor for any crowdsourcing initiative. Nevertheless for beginners, it can be a challenge to find the needed amount of contributors to their projects. For these reasons it is intermediate platforms are very important, as they provide a very large pool of talent. (Schenk & Guittard, 2011)
Success Factors of Crowdsourcing:

Intrinsic values corresponding to a laugh, social commitment, ethical, values have blended impacts within the participation in crowdsourcing activities (Villarroel 2008) ( & Tucci, 2009)different types of initiatives many require other type of incentives. (Borst, 2010)
In disaster aid tasks, similar to the large crowdsourcing name in Haiti’s earthquake in 2010, people might use blogs and cell messages to effectively direct the rescue teams to the more distressed spaces. in this case, we will see that incentives such as social dedication and values had been guiding the inhabitants. some other crowdsourcing activity guided through the same incentives is “Blue Servo”, an initiative that permits any individual to help patrolling the U.S.- Mexican border by having a look at reside transmitted pictures of focal point issues in the border. The individuals don’t get any financial incentives, figuring out that they are working for a better just right and to lend a hand their house nation is sufficient. (Blue Servo, 2007-2012).
In the development of the Lynux tool, many programmers participated in the initiative as for the social recognition by way of other execs. additionally, every other crucial facet in the freelancing industry is the referral process, many freelancers state that they the most important factor for finding new shoppers are word of mouth and referrals (Gandia, 2011), due to this fact it is very important to create a strong contact network, which can also be download through collaborating in more than a few initiatives. (Schevchuk & Strebkov, 2012)
As in lots of other professions extrinsic issues such as money are important incentives for crowdlabor participation in projects subsidized by means of companies and people (Villarroel 2008) (Villucci, 2009). (Schenk & Guittard, 2011)

1. Online Freelance economy
a. Four Major Players
ODesk, is an internet activity platform created in 2003 by means of Odysseas Tsatalos and Stratis Karamanlakis with the aim of being an intermediary among corporations with problems and staff. corporations sign up within the oDesk platform and create their profile, after which they can post tasks and start searching for workers.
The roles put uped can fall into nine classes: internet construction, instrument development, internetworking and data techniques, writing and translation, administrative give a boost to, design and multimedia, customer service, gross sales & advertising and industry products and services. oDesk states that each one work that can be done remotely can be done in oDesk.
Today oDesk ( ), n online marketplace that helps companies hire, manage and pay remote workers around the world, announced a new billing and payment center that will make managing remote work relationships easier than ever oDesk is a marketplace of remote software development firms and technology freelancers that offers a unique set of integrated management and collaboration tools to help employers track project progress and collaborate with team members as though all were working in the same office. oDesk handles all invoicing and payment, making it easy for small to medium size businesses to access the global talent pool, a luxury once reserved solely for the large corporation. The new and improved payment center gives employers more visibility into upcoming and past transactions, and gives service providers more payment options than are offered in any other work marketplace, allowing them the freedom to work from and get paid anywhere, anytime.
"We firmly believe that work is not a place," said Gary Swart, chief executive officer of oDesk. "By providing the tools required to successfully manage remote working relationships, oDesk brings the global workforce to the local market, while giving enterprising freelancers and entrepreneurs the ability to work from anywhere in the world. The improvements made to the oDesk payment center streamline this entire process and enable oDesk to handle more sophisticated invoicing and payment arrangements for the many people that make a living on oDesk."
With more than 18,000 tested and rated providers working for thousands of companies around the world through the oDesk platform, oDesk is proving that the nature of technology jobs is changing. The company recently announced that more than $10 Million has been spent on outsourced technology jobs through its remote work marketplace, and was named one of the "most promising" companies driving the future of technology by Red Herring .
In 2013, according to WhichLance the company billed 12 million dollars for that year. In the graph below we can see the evolution of the billings and number of workers of this platform.
Elance is another, privately-held, major online crowdlabor marketplace, the oldest one created, short after the article from Thomas Malone and Robert Laubacher in 1998 about the “Dawn of the E-Lance economy”. Over the years the platform has built its reputation, along with the number of workers, usually referred to as contractors. It is very similar to the other online platforms: the clients post jobs, carefully specifying the needed details and receive bids from independent candidate workers and from which they need to choose from.
The platform earned more than $560 million since its starting date, back in 1999, from which $156 million were earned in 2011, which clearly shows the recent exponential growth in the earnings. (Elance, 2011)
The number of active contractors clients reached 550 000 completing 650 000 jobs for 130 000 contractors. In the first quarter of 2012, the number of projects posted reached 193 000 with 80 000 new clients, 180 000 new contractors and $43 million4 earn by contractors, which have been growing at a compounded annual growth rate of 42%
Over the last year, the split of earnings by category as been stable with IT being the category with most dollars paid, followed by Creative, Marketing and Operations. The most demanded skill is creativity (42%) of total jobs, followed by IT (39%), Marketing (9%) and Operations (7%).In the last year, the total number of registered contractors has outgrown the number of registered clients. The top 4 hiring countries in the first quarter of the year are all English speaking countries in the developed world. The countries with most contractors are mostly located in developing countries. Freelancer is the third platform studied, an online marketplace focused on solutions for small companies and entrepreneurs that cannot pay thousands of dollars per project but are still interested in crowdsourcing projects. This platform was created in 2009 as the results of a merger from various online freelancing platforms: GetAFreelancer, among other in Australia. The platform has over 3 million registered workers than can bid for one of the over 1, 3 million jobs posted. Is operates very much like the platforms previously seen: companies or entrepreneurs post jobs and receive bids from potential workers. Each one of these projects can fall into one of the following categories: Website, IT and Software, Mobile Phones and Computing, Writing and Content, Design, Media and Architecture, Data entry, Sales and Marketing, among others. Moreover this platform has different country websites and in the future it is expected that the platform will be translated into several languages to reach a broader audience. This strategy makes Freelancer the platform with the larger freelancers ‘community.
Internet infrastructure and usage :
Information and Communications generation has enabled sharing actual time data throughout international locations and continents, which allow connecting folks far and wide the sector with a view to identify industry ties, amongst others. (Malone & Laubacher, 1998). it\'s the ICT infraconstruction that gives the helping construction for the digital economic system of crowdlabor since it provides the meeting aspect for staff and clients (Lehdonvirta & Ernkvist, 2011).
Crowdsourcing implies tapping into a large crowd of available and prepared to paintings through. in the definition provided through the Smartsheet’ report “Paid Crowdsourcing” crowdsourcing is because the “act of outsourcing paid work (…) the usage of a know-how intermediary” (Smartsheet, 2009), where the technology intermediary can be a hub or a mobile phone that in the long run connects employees or intermediaries to work givers thru an web connection. due to this fact all that is needed is that staff are hooked up to the network regardless of their area (Howe, 2006).
In emergent international locations, the crowdsourcing tasks assume many paperwork. for the reason that web infrastructure isn’t as developed as in industrialized countries, the inhabitants and corporations must consider what the best systems to conquer the digital hole are. whether the crowdsourcing tasks are performed through an intermediary and a contact center, the place the worker has get admission to to training and to an internet connection; or whether they are done in an internet café, the population’ get right of entry to to those activities is limited by means of the “virtual infrastructure” of the rustic and more explicitly to their city or village. (Lehdonvirta, 2012).
Samasource, some of the well known crowdsourcing intermediaries operating within the emerging international locations, clearly states that it enables other folks leaving in poverty with work opportunities “via the internet” (Samasource, 2011). every other example of how the internet is the helping instrument for crowdsourcing activities is the Ushaidi device. Ushaidi is a web page created in 2008 which depends upon crowdsourcing inputs to assist bring disaster aid to populations and to denounce scenarios where human rights are violated. It started in 2007 Kenya, during an election where the creatorities had been controlling the media and the founder, Ory Okolloh, called for unbiased, fair information about the violent outburst around the country that had been posted via its weblog. The initiative was once a luck and it allowed the author of the weblog to map the conflicts in the usa in a much more dependable approach than the available media within the u . s .. (Okolloh, 2009).Therefore keep in minding the ICT get admission to and utilization within the nations where crowdsourcing is carried out is to bear in mind their ICT readiness. (Shwab, 2011-2012)
This gifts an overly top opportunity for corporations and for the freelancers spread all over the place the world due to the fact ninetypercent of the arena inhabitants has 2G coverage, forty five% has 3G coverage in 2011 and the prices of fixed broadband connections have reduced by way of 50% in the ultimate two years (ITU, 2011).
Internet infrastructure is positively associated with the amount of crowdsourcing activity. Human capital as a key success factor of crowdsourcing
Brain Drain and economic development
The outflow of proficient professionals from emerging countries to wealthier countries, sometimes called “brain Drain”, has long been observed as a result in of further impoverishment of the fewer evolved nations. among economists or even within the public opinion, brain drain is seen as a phenomenon that will have to be stopped, most commonly with the direct intervention of the federal government (Hale, 2007). This migration of talented execs was once as a result of the restricted opportunities that they might find in their home united states, when it comes to amount and high quality. With the advancements of technology and the decrease in transportation costs it is now conceivable, and has been for the previous few years, for professionals to collaborate across long distances in actual time. not too long ago, teachers were learning the long run effects of brain Drain enabled through these results. even if, at first we will speak about an outflow of highly-professional pros, it\'s been seen that they tend to return back and/or establish sturdy financial relationships with their house nations, what will also be characterized as “mind move” (Saxenian, 2011) (Hale, 2007) (Massey, et al., 1993).A look at from 2007 conducted through the Duke university has concluded that 25.3% of companies US primarily based in the technology and engineering industries were created by means of international-born entrepreneurs, amongst which Hotmail, Yahoo and Webex. these marketers that experience left their country in search for higher skilled possibilities can re-identify their connections with their house international locations via processes: they may be able to proceed operating within the foreign countries but use their connections and language knowledge to outsource a few actions to their united states and take advantage of decrease-wages; or they are able to go back to their house united states to start their very own corporations even as nonetheless maintaining the companions and shoppers in wealthier economies where they came from. in the first case, these professionals have the “cultural and linguistic knowledge (Saxenian, 2011)” to conquer cultural limitations and determine the environment friendly family members between the 2 nations. In the second case, they import the data and the applied sciences into their home countries which lead them to in the most efficient place to identify and will, right away or not directly, influence the general public policies (Saxenian, 2011) in their nations.
In each cases their influence in native and nearby economies fosters the advance of entrepreneurial tasks and spice up local and neighborhood economic enlargement.
With the mind flow, we can see that both international locations are winning, and that the unbalance that once raised such a lot critics to mind drain, is now a two-glide process. (Hale, 2007) nevertheless these fashions can best paintings if the international locations have invested considerably in training and era and if there may be political balance, so the rustic would be sexy enough so pros would imagine go backing once more.
b. Local training as a critical factor for crowdsourcing development
In every crowdsourcing job, staff are asked to accomplish a given job. The more complicated the task, the upper the monetary repayment paid by companies. subsequently while studying the ability for crowdsourcing to provide financial growth, as it\'s been doing, we must focus on the forms of tasks that can provide upper pay, the more complicated ones. some of the many benefits of crowdsourcing is the facility to offer human and economic development in spaces which are remoted or unattractive to economic activity (Nyoro, 2011). much less rich countries which can be thinking about attracting crowdsourcing projects, most commonly in type of BPO services and products, are interested in developing “higher-value services and products”, like the ones carry outed through contact facilities, which want more professional professionals and extra skilled, as opposed to micro-work workers. (Nyoro, 2011). moreover, the velocity at which the environment adjustments makes it a very powerful to foster highly-educated professionals so steady follow the quick % of changes. (Shwab, 2011-2012) Countries, like Kenya and South Africa, had been investing in training systems to arrange the population to BPO prime-value products and services, similar to voice, and are willing to spend as much as $3 450 in 10-months training programs (Nyoro, 2011). it is very important be aware that ensuring top degrees of training doesn’t exclude the desire for continuous coaching, particularly when dealing with data and communication applied sciences which might be topic to consistent improvements (Shwab, 2011-2012).
As noticed above, quality and risk degree are the primary issues within the crowdsourcing trade; it is addressed by means of all firms running on this business and many of the related papers. training levels are a solution for both issues; if the workforce is extra educated it with surely perform higher in the tasks performed than employees with less education, therefore increasing the quality of the paintings performed. Following the same reasoning, if the levels of quality are increased then the degrees of chance perceived via the paintings givers decreases. (Nyoro, 2011). “training functions (…) could also be a long run selling element” (Nyoro, 2011).


• Elance, 2011. Elance Online Employment Review. • Howe, J., 2006. The Rise of Crowdsourcing. Wired Magazine, . • Howe, J., 2006. The Rise of Crowdsourcing. Wired Magazine, Issue • Gagne,M. & Deci,E.L. (2005).Self determination Theory and Work Motivation. Journal of Organizational Behaviour.������

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...values, they are utilizing a business model. When they want to achieve the goal of reaching these customers they must develop a strategy for achieving that goal. B) How is it similar? Both the strategy and the business model strive to achieve the organizational goals and give the organization a competitive advantage. “The business model is the reflections of the realized strategy,” (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2010, p.204). 2. Why do you think Dell is keen on offering this service? A) The new crowdsourcing allows the consumer to have more control of the design and development of their product. With the ever changing and growing demands of consumers this will give Dell an advantage over other similar organizations. Ball (2014) expressed that organizations have found a way to speed up their work by utilizing crowdsourcing to collaborate new ideals for products. B) What other firms use this crowdsourcing technique? Jartese (2013) stated that Anheuser-Busch utilized crowdsourcing to...

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Pepsi Case Study

...seeking to employ information and communications technology (ICT) competitions, crowdsourcing and social media narratives as a means for production of ideas or tasks. The Knight Foundation’s (2009) seven key components of ICT competitions will be used as a framework to review the project and from there analysis of the project will take place using industry information and reviews. Lastly, implication for other ICT competitions will be discussed. Overall, this study explores the Pepsi Refresh Project’s effect on sales and corporate loyalty of consumers for the PepsiCo brand through consumer corporate trust generation. CASE STUDY: THE PEPSI REFRESH PROJECT   3 Case Study: The Pepsi Refresh Project The purpose of this investigation is to complete a case study of the Pepsi Refresh Project and from it devise high impact practices for its application to other corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects. The Pepsi Refresh Project was started in February 2010 using dollars annually used for Super Bowl advertising by PepsiCo and instead directed towards a grant-funding program to find solutions in betterment of communities (Pepsi, 2011a). The project utilized crowdsourcing for both submission and judging. The study will use The Knight Foundation's (2009) seven key components of information and communications technology (ICT) competitions to break down the project and discuss crowdsourcing in the literature review. The case study will be completed using industry information...

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...Pepsi Refresh Project and corresponding implications for other corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects seeking to employ information and communications technology (ICT) competitions, crowdsourcing and social media narratives as a means for production of ideas or tasks. The Knight Foundation’s (2009) seven key components of ICT competitions will be used as a framework to review the project and from there analysis of the project will take place using industry information and reviews. Lastly, implication for other ICT competitions will be discussed. Overall, this study explores the Pepsi Refresh Project’s effect on sales and corporate loyalty of consumers for the PepsiCo brand through consumer corporate trust generation. CASE STUDY: THE PEPSI REFRESH PROJECT   3 Case Study: The Pepsi Refresh Project The purpose of this investigation is to complete a case study of the Pepsi Refresh Project and from it devise high impact practices for its application to other corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects. The Pepsi Refresh Project was started in February 2010 using dollars annually used for Super Bowl advertising by PepsiCo and instead directed towards a grant-funding program to find solutions in betterment of communities (Pepsi, 2011a). The project utilized crowdsourcing for both submission and judging. The study will use The Knight Foundation's (2009) seven key components of information and communications...

Words: 3974 - Pages: 16

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Innovation Management

...explain why the tools applied are useful for a particular organisation’s innovation management. This report will also suggest 2 additional creativity tools for each organisation and will also explain why these tools are useful. To achieve the above a short introduction about organisations will be provided and secondary research resources: companies’ websites, journals, books and articles will be used. 1. CREATIVTY TOOLS, INNOVATION MANAGEMENT & FINANCIAL SERVICES Creativity tools can be described as combinations of factors that can help to engender new ideas (Fig 1). Fig.1. Creativity tools in organisations Source Aurnhammer, 2013 There are different factors that can contribute to successful innovation in organisations. Fig.1 shows tools covering People, Methods and Platform combining to create the optimal conditions for the creation of innovative ideas and concepts. Each aspect contains suites of tools which can be utilised. For example the People factor can use Training, Reward and Recognition and positive Motivation to encourage and contribute towards innovation. Unlike psychical tools, where in most cases there is only one tool for one job, there are many different creativity tools which can be combined to support innovation. Hence there is always...

Words: 2759 - Pages: 12

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As Per Tata

...2 The Marketing Environment Learning Outcomes After reading this chapter, you should be able to: » » » » » » Identify and define the three key areas of the marketing environment Describe the key characteristics associated with the marketing environment Explain PESTLE analysis and show how it is used to understand the external environment Explain the environmental scanning process Analyse the performance environment using an appropriate model Understand the importance of analysing an organization’s internal environment and identify the key resources and capabilities C A S E I N S I G H T 2.1 Crompton Greaves Limited, an Indian multinational company, is in the business of design, manufacture, and supply of all kinds of T&D (transmission and distribution) equipment, including complete solution services, to its large base of customers in India and abroad. The company boasts of a global presence today. How does it keep abreast of the marketing environment? We speak to Biswaroop Ukil, General Manger–Marketing (Power Products and Solutions), to find out. stabilizes to a certain extent, the domestic demand for T&D products is expected to grow, given the picture painted by central planners and various government agencies. The Indian industry for T&D products is quite mature, with several local manufacturers and multinationals possessing the necessary technology, production facilities, and exclusive sales and service networks across the country. Apart from firms employing...

Words: 7475 - Pages: 30

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Crowd Funding Abstract Crowdfunding is an increasingly popular source to fund start-up, worldwide. In crowdfunding, a form of crowdsourcing, many crowdfundees collectively fund a start-up by providing parts of the requested funding in prospect of financial returns or social return. While extant research has provided insights into the crowd’s motives for participating in various forms of crowdfunding initiatives, we know little about the motivations that drive the crowd to invest in start-ups via crowdfunding. In literature, there are ongoing calls to investigate this phenomenon since it is expected that motives for investing in start-ups via crowdfunding differ from motives for engaging in other forms of crowdsourcing initiatives. Against this background, this research aims at investigating why crowdfundees fund start-ups. In this research paper we build on related literature to theoretically develop a research model and plan to validate this model with an empirical survey on an equity-based crowdfunding platform specialized on start-up funding. By giving concrete answers to the research questions, this research has been able to build deeper understanding of the crowd’s motivation for investing in start-ups. Chapter 1: Introduction: Financial capital represents a necessary ingredient for entrepreneurial survival, growth and success. In order to support their growth,...

Words: 3816 - Pages: 16

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Designing the Organization for User Innovation

...DesIgnIng the OrganIzatIOn fOr User InnOvatIOn Peter Keinz • ChristoPh hienerth • ChristoPher LettL Abstract: there is increasing consensus among practitioners and academics alike that we are in the midst of a paradigm shift from producer-centered and internal innovation processes toward user-centered and open innovation processes. This paradigm shift induces significant changes to the design of organizations. Even though the research field of user innovation has been developing over a period of more than four decades, there have been only occasional intersections with the research field of organizational design. In this article, we aim to provide an integrated perspective of the two fields. We first identify major user innovation strategies. We then derive the implications for each user innovation strategy on key dimensions of organizational design. Keywords: User innovation; organization design the point of departure for this article is the growing literature around the phenomenon that companies are in the midst of a paradigm shift from closed, producer-centered ways of innovating to open, user-centered innovation processes (Chesbrough, 2003; von hippel, 2005). to improve innovation performance and increase competitiveness, more and more firms are employing user innovation strategies (von Hippel, 2005). Such strategies have proven to be of high value to almost every type of company; both start-ups and wellestablished companies, irrespective of the industry they are operating...

Words: 10831 - Pages: 44

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Literary Review Outsourcing

...conditions in developing countries, outsourcing has become a popular business concept. The purpose for this paper is to review outsourcing as a viable business concept, identifying how outsourcing is used, benefits and setbacks, and options available for business support. The author will examine the concepts driving companies to use outsourcing as a worthwhile business strategy, utilizing several sources showing progression from initial conception to present day use. With today’s rapidly changing environment, one must question how outsourcing will adapt, allowing for continued success. Introduction In recent years, consumers have felt the impact of outsourcing on a personal level as they contact technical support for computers, satellite, and other services. While the ideas have been utilized for decades, outsourcing has become more common today as companies attempt to downsize without compromising success. The following will examine the concepts driving companies to use outsourcing as a worthwhile business strategy, utilizing several sources showing progression from initial conception to present day use. Outsourcing Overview Outsourcing involves transferring work or tasks to an external party, allowing for partnerships with other organizations (Power, Desouza, & Bonifazi, 2006). Early attempts of outsourcing allowed leadership to delegate noncore activities in attempt to find faster, less expensive options freeing up opportunity for managers to focus on more daunting tasks...

Words: 5064 - Pages: 21

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Riordan Manufacturing Executive Report

...Warren Buffet once said, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” With a company that has over five hundred employees, four locations worldwide, and $50 million in annual sales, placing the value on the organization is simple; look at the bottom line and see the profit. This is the situation at Riordan Manufacturing where the price it paid to do business was less than what it made, defining a clear value in what Riordan provides. Riordan’s Sales and Marketing department has a clear value; $50 million is sales to show of it. But how do we show the value for other departments within the organization such as Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) solutions? While the IS and IT costs and what Riordan pays for it are clear from looking at the financials, the value is not. This brings us to the question of what value does Riordan Manufacturing get out of its IS services and IT department. This question is the problem that Riordan Manufacturing has had for many years. Recently, Riordan executive management hired a new Chief Information Officer (CIO) to improve its infrastructure and to answer this question. While management wants to use more IS and IT solutions throughout the organization, it has had trouble finding the perfect fit in all aspects of its operations. Even though IS and IT costs have risen, the puzzle pieces still have not come together; the value and benefit has not been clear to the company. As we will see throughout this review, it is time...

Words: 6988 - Pages: 28

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...types of e-payment systems should B2C merchants support? 2. Describe the major issues in fraudulent orders perpetrated against online merchants. What measures and solutions should be implemented to combat these issues? 3. What are digital certificates? What role do they play in ensuring secure communications? 4. What is PKI? Why is it important in e-commerce? 5. What is intellectual property? Why is the copyright of materials on the Internet an important issue? 6. Would you recommend the crowdsourcing model for a clothing design business? Explain why or why not. 7. Why is jurisdiction considered a major legal issue and challenge in e-commerce? Support your answer with examples. 8. Identify the major technical challenges companies face when choosing to pursue an m-commerce strategy. 9. What precautions and measures should home users employ to secure their computers from spyware, hackers, and other online threats and risks? 10. What key factors determine the success of electronic payment methods? Part B: Case Analyses (50 marks total) Your analysis of each case should be from two to three paragraphs in length and should not exceed one page for each case. Case 1 (15 marks) The Canadian government has legislated the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) to protect any personal information that is collected, used, or disclosed. a) What type of personal information should be protected? (5 marks) b) Why is it important...

Words: 470 - Pages: 2

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...Market  feasibility  overview   Hempstead,  NY     June  2012       MOVIE  THEATRE     Overview   Members  of  Renew  Hempstead  have  suggested  and  shown  strong  support  for  development  of  a   movie  theatre  in  downtown  Hempstead.  Renaissance  Downtowns  engaged  our  firm  to  explore   the  potential  market  viability  of  a  movie  theatre.  This  brief  summarizes  our  findings.     In  comments  on  the  Renew  Hempstead  website,  members  recommended  the  following  possible   characteristics  for  a  downtown  movie  theatre:      Small  community  theatre    Smoke  free    Locally  owned,  not  a  chain    Security    Collaborate  with  Hofstra    Not  too  many  seats  in  one  theatre    Host  student  films,  documentaries    Stage  for  open  mic  night    Family  nights    Alternating  screen    Should  have  regular  snacks    Solar  power    Free  wifi    Reduced  ticket  price  for  bringing  in    Mini  arcade  inside   recycled  things    Lounge  area    Recycled  popcorn  bags  as  well  as  cups    Stores  inside  the  movie  theatre    Every  fifth  visit  is  free    A  little  bar  for  older  people    Major  motion ...

Words: 3588 - Pages: 15

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Generic E-Business Sell-Side Strategies

...Activity Generic e-business sell-side strategies For each of the six generic sell-side strategies, identify a good example of a company that has successfully adopted that strategy and identify examples of each strategy that have failed. Generic e-business sell-side strategies Chaffey (2009) Chapter 5, Activity 5.3 lists six generic strategies, originally coined by IDC Research. 1) Attack e-tailing. As Chaffey describes this is an aggressive competitive approach that involves frequent comparison with competitors’ prices and then matching or bettering them. The more people use price comparison sites such as ShopSmart ( the more is it important that companies ensure their price positioning is favourable. Good examples include shopping sites such as ( and ( In those stores people can now find the prices of all comparable items in a category but also guarantee that they will beat the lowest price of any competing product. These sites have implemented real- time adjustments in prices with small increments based on price policy algorithms that are simply not possible in traditional retailing. An other example might be which is a leading provider of discount travel products and services for the leisure travel market or has the lowest prices in the industry Solar & Wind Energy Distributors, Dealers, & Wholesalers. 2) Defend e-tailing This is a strategic approach...

Words: 884 - Pages: 4

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Empowering Employersto Mmotivate and Evaluate

...Empowering Employers’ to motivate and evaluate Oklahoma Wesleyan University Abstract In today organization, employees often hear manager complain “people just aren’t motivated to work anymore.” Because, of lack of deficiency in motivating, ambiguous goals, and the manager’s inability to shape employees perception of the appraisal and reward system. However, the flow of experience itself is not necessary the time of when people are happy. It is a period of deep concentration. People with deep feelings may transcend culture, with most people caring deeply about the same few things. Organizations are just spinning the wheel trying to find effective ways to motivate their employees but in the end no evaluation being done; on how to do it. The purpose of this review of information is elaborate how to motivate and evaluate employees in such way that it will influence others the drive of energy to explore the opportunities in the workplace. Main part of this paper is how to distinguish the differences in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the workplace. The second parts will focus on identifying the core, which will help managers motivate their employees. Moreover, finally, the last part will include a conclusion and theoretical application of its finding. Empowering Employers’ to Motivate and Evaluate Introduction In a world full of political turmoil, economic uncertainty, and violence and tragedy on every hand could stand to hear some good news, some search for in a career. People...

Words: 3434 - Pages: 14