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Submitted By jarekskinny
Words 634
Pages 3
Jarek Moreschini
Black Friday
Is black Friday worth it? Is waiting in long lines impatiently in the cold worth the deals that you receive? Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving that starts early in the morning and lasts all day long. This day makes shoppers go crazy and is believed to save you tons of money. Is it really worth it though? Some people say that its not and that they should just wait till Cyber Monday because there are deals just as good on that day. Also if you wait till cyber Monday you wont have to wait outside in lines all night. You can do it from the comfort of your house in pajamas on the couch. In my opinion I think that cyber Monday is a waste of time. I have participated in it before and I feel that it is almost a trick to the customers. I think that they make the customers think they are getting a really good deal and in reality its not that good of a deal after all. I also agree with the article where it says that the customers can just wait a couple of weeks for the item to go back on sale. Some people would rather just spend the time sleeping and couldn’t comprehend waking up that early to go shopping. One more thing that I think you should think about is the worker. They have to be there even before you and have to prepare in days of advance for this day. They also have to work all day long when they could be at home celebrating the holidays with their families. I don’t think I have ever met a worker that wanted to work on Black Friday. Ultimately I think that Black Friday is a waste of time, but I do think that it is kind of a fun think to do with your family or friends over the holidays.

Black Friday shopping: Is it worth it?

has become a post-Thanksgiving tradition and due to competition, it is spilling over into Thanksgiving day. On November 21,USA TODAY reported that some Black Friday shoppers take these sales so seriously that they are beginning to camp in front of stores now.
With some stores opening Thanksgiving morning, others that evening and even more stores opening early on the following Friday with a host of great deals, Black Friday is known as a day of shopping and not rest. Are these holiday sales worth the waiting, the long lines and the impending aggravation? Some think not.
It has been shown that shoppers can save more just by waiting another week or reports that while savings abound during Black Friday deals, the sales get even better as we get closer to Christmas. Not only that but shoppers can avoid the hustle and bustle (and sometimes even riots) of Black Friday by waiting and doing their shopping later.
It is also worth mentioning that most retailers are also participating in Cyber Monday now. This is the first Monday following Black Friday where retailers make special sales available online only and allow shoppers to avoid venturing out in the cold and standing in long lines. Often the retailers websites slow down due to heavy traffic on Cyber Monday and they may even crash for short periods of time but this has got to be less aggravating than leaving hours early for a sale, fighting for parking and then finding out that your treasure is already sold out.
Is Black Friday worth the hype? Are you going shopping because the deals are just that good or has it become a tradition? Or do you plan to stay home and shop peacefully on Cyber Monday? Weigh in below in the comments.

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