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Technology in the Olympics


Submitted By kjlee
Words 2364
Pages 10
The Role of Technology in the Olympics
When the modern Olympics began in 1896, Thomas Burke, an American athlete, wore a cotton shirt and cotton shorts and ended up winning gold in the 100-meter sprint. Fast-forward to the 2012 London Olympics. In August, American athletes in track events competed in Nike’s Pro TurboSpeed suits. The tight-fitted apparel was made from recycled polyester fabric, designed to limit aerodynamic drag and boost athletic performance. Today, it’s hard to imagine any sport that hasn’t been touched by technology.
From the synthetic material swimmers wear to the carbon-fiber frames in cycling, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and other international sporting federations have welcomed most technological innovations that have arguably improved the games. While there are many variables that are associated with athletic performance, one of the contributing factors for breaking world records has been technological innovation in design and equipment. With every passing Olympics, technology is shrouded with controversy, with many spectators claiming that the spirit of sport is being hindered by the use of technology. While this is an adamant concern, recent studies have shown that athletic performance has reached its physiological limit. In order to keep audiences engaged in the modern Olympics, technological innovation is needed to help assist athletes in achieving world records. From tracksuits to running shoes, innovation in clothing design garners a lot of attention at the Olympics. During competition, athletes wear light, tight-fitting uniforms to compress the body and minimize drag. Compression helps the blood flow and keeps the body tight as to reduce muscle strain and pull. By the 1970s synthetic material replaced cotton in uniform design. Since the 2008 Beijing Olympics, sport engineers used computer modeling to optimize the

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