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Terrorism Vs State Sponsored Terrorism

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State-Sponsored Terrorism
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????????????????????????????????? State Sponsored Terrorism: A Case of ISIS

The term terrorism has elicited various definitions across different jurisdictions and continuously evokes different emotional responses. To some terrorism is an inhumane and traumatizing act while to others it is a strategic move to achieve desired goals and others see it as a holy war against those they feel do not conform to their ideals. Perhaps the best example to illustrate this discord in the definition of terrorism is the phrase that one man?s terrorist is another man?s freedom fighter. Terrorism …show more content…
(Cline and Yonah 21). The support to these extremist groups can be in the form of weaponry, financial aid and even providing safe havens for their activities. State-sponsored terrorism has been confused by state terrorism, but these two types are very different. State terrorism is the deliberate and systematic use of terror by a government to foster its control over its citizenry or population. This can include aspects as torture, extrajudicial killings and establishment of a police state to keep the civilians in check. Perhaps the best example of this kind of terrorism is when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on the Kurdish population.? State sponsored terrorism is thus different because the government only supports the terrorist organizations within its boundaries but do not actively engage in the terror activities. There are numerous examples of state sponsored terrorism. A typical example is drawn from the Syrian government support of Hamas and Hezbollah factions in Lebanon. The government has provided resources and protection leading to the designation of huge training grounds in Ber?aa Valley. The East German State also offered the Red Army Faction support after propagating violence in West Germany and provided safe havens for them. This will come to light after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 when …show more content…
The use of religion in justifying the actions of terrorists is also farfetched and misleading. With the advent of weapons of mass destruction, the real threat of extinction can come alive when the terrorists obtain them. The world should rise, unite and stand against terrorism as it affects everybody.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Works Cited

Byman, D. (2005). Deadly connections: States that sponsor Terrorism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Bryman, D.L. (2008).The changing nature of state sponsored terrorism. Washington DC, USA: The Saban Centre, Brookings.

Bapan, N. (2012). Understanding state sponsorship of militant groups. British journal of political science, Vol 42(1), pp 1-29

Cline, R.S. ?& Yonah, ?A. (1986). Terrorism as state sponsored covert warfare. London, UK: Wildwood.

Goodson, L.P. (2001). Afghanistan?s endless war: State failure, regional politics and the rise of the Taliban. Washington DC: University of Washington

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