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The Earth


Submitted By xodania
Words 280
Pages 2
Artifacts are portable tools, containers, and other objects manufactured or used by people to accomplish some goals or tasks. These objects can help us get a idea about maintenance or economic activates; systems politically or socially because people of different statutes and religion may have used different tools. They inform archeologist about human knowledge, skill and symbolism. Artifacts come in many different materials, one specifically are stone tools, which can be grounded or flaked. The movie Flintknapping with Bruce Bradley, details the techniques used in the past and in experimental archaeology. The reason archaeologists learn how to make stone tools, is to distinguish the difference in tools in the past than the ones used today. This also tells them how technology changes over time. If archaeologists don’t know how to make the tools, how would they know what they were used for? Or even tell the difference if it’s a tool or just a piece of stone. When Bruce explains the difficult process of flintknapping, he said walking was the main sort of transportation, so people tried to make one tool used for multiple activates. The sharp-edged waste material left over when someone creates a stone tool (knaps flint) can tell us a lot about how tools were made for, used and resharpened. The manufacturing, use , reworking, and sharpening of flaked stone tools generates debitage, which enters archaeologist records. Stone tools are so important because it helps us identify camping, and war grounds, ceremonial sites or food preparation sites. Somewhere down the line, there had to have been really important changes in evolution and finding these stone tools tells archaeology more about these changed and ways of life.

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