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The Elderly


Submitted By myimag
Words 1259
Pages 6
Corinthia Eubanks Sojourner Douglass College Introduction to Sociology Hassan A. Amin October 3, 2012

Different cultures treat their elderly different, the Tiwi people who live on an Island off the northern coast of Australia. Their custom is when an old woman became too feeble to look after herself, to “cover her up.” This could only be done by her sons and brothers and all of them had to agree beforehand, since once it was done, they did not want any dissension among the brothers or clansmen, as that might lead to a feud. My mother was now completely, blind, she was constantly falling over logs or into fires, and they, her senior clansmen, were in agreement that she would be better out of the way. The method was to dig a hole in the ground in some lonely place, put the old woman in the hole and fill it with earth until only her head was showing. Unlike the Abkhasians , an agricultural people who live in a mountainous region of Georgia, a republic of the former Sovier Union as well as other cultures pay their elderly high respect and look to them for guidance. Industrialized countries have the highest percentage of elderly, with industrialization comes a higher standard of living, including more food, a purer water supply, and more effective ways of fighting the diseases that kill children. As a result, when a country industrializes, more of its people reach older ages. Many economists, in addition, have concluded that population aging will likely result in wrenching economic contraction in the affected countries and a variety of accompanying social earthquakes. Economic effects include social security turmoil and dangerous budget

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