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The Exposure of Touchscreen Devices at an Early Age


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The Exposure of Touchscreen Devices at an Early Age: An Advantage or Disadvantage for Pre-School Children
Chan Jia-Qi Janice, Chan Kar Kei, Darius Shu Chen Keong, Naik Shiang Jen, Siau Yeu Jiun, Wong Chin Hui, Yap Huey May
School of Communication
Taylor’s University

Index 1.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3-5 1.2 Research Questions …………………………………………………………… 5 1.3 Methodology Selected ………………………………………………………… 5-6 1.4 Data Analysis / Findings ……………………………………………………... 6-13 1.5 Final Discussion of Insights ………………………………………………… 13-15 1.6 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………...15-16 1.7 References …………………………………………………………………... 16-17 1.8 Appendices ………………………………………………………………… 18-29

1.1 Introduction
Today, children are spending most of their time being occupied by iPad, iPhone and pad-based gadgets that have the access to the Internet. According to Romeo (2003), the emerging in technological development had allowed computers and touchscreen devices to be added into our lifestyle. For example, touchscreen devices like iPod, iPad, Samsung Tab and etc are used to check emails, surf the Internet, connect with people, either for work purpose or personal purpose, and also used in education purposes in pre-school and colleges.
Anderson mentioned this in his research in 1999, “The computer has become recognized tool in education of young children, particularly where it is used to promote problem-solving skills and social interactions amongst children”
However in Romeo’s report, it has been said that computers play an important role and are important in young children’s lives, National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) had positioned a statement on the use of technology in education lives by young children in year 1996. The NAEYC suggested that young children be provided with opportunities to actively engage with the computer and its supporting software, rather than simply responding to drill and practice software, and stressed that children’s engagements with technology should be developmentally appropriate. A research by Batternberg and Mebler (1989) had suggested that touchscreen devices are frankly potentially easier for young children to operate, allowing them to complete simple tasks without having to achieve the level of mastery required by other input devices. Another research by Ostroff and Shneiderman (1988) evaluated that touchscreen devices were the fastest among the several input devices and it is also the most inaccurate.
Touchscreen devices have become one of the experiences amongst the children. However, these experiences led to a generation gap between the children and the adults who thought them about these touchscreen devices because these adults grew up without having the experience of touchscreen devices (Beyers, 2009). With the introduction of touchscreen devices as one of the educational material to young children caused many educators and parents fear that these devices might cause a “digital distraction” to their child that will have trouble in focusing on tasks (Richtel, 2010). In addition to that, many researchers had conducted studies on the benefits of technology use in the early childhood classroom. It resulted many feel that the use of touchscreen devices in classroom should be kept to minimum to keep a balance with other aspects of child’s development such as outdoor play, social interaction, and cognitive curiosity (Miller, 2005). In his study in 2005, Miller also claims that no evidence have proved the fact that young children learn better and more effectively through high technology, but there is abundant evidence that young children learn best with direct interaction with other people. Miller’s argument was supported by The Alliance for Childhood in their publication Tech Tonic in year 2004.
Moreover, the issue of exposure of touchscreen devices on young children is discussed widely in news around the world. Bilton (2013) mentioned touchscreen devices as a magic tool after watching his sister kept her children quiet with two Apple iPads during their meal. He also says that having children happily engaged to touchscreen devices bring the risks where children might not learn real interactions, as they were not engaged in any type of conversation. On another side, Dudley (2013) has also mentioned in his article that toddlers learn more with touchscreen devices but they are exposed to these touchscreen devices too early. Although touchscreen devices are considered as a great academic tool for young children and also brings joy for parents because children are mostly quiet when they are given a tablet to play with, however, parents should not have the thought of using the tablet as a “babysitter” tool because children having free access to the Internet may lead them to see or exposed to things that they are not supposed to see.
1.2 Research Questions
In this research paper, we want to find out the advantage and disadvantage for preschool children being exposed to touchscreen devices at an early age and this topic leads us to three research questions: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of exposure to touchscreen devices to pre-school children in Klang Valley? 2. How touchscreen devices can advance assist pre-school children in terms of learning? 3. Do pre-school children learn better from traditional learning or touchscreen devices (technology)?

1.3 Methodology Selected Type of Research The type of research that will be used in this study is qualitative research. The aim of this research is to find the opinion and attitudes of parents whether the exposure of touchscreen devices on their children is an advantage or disadvantage. Besides that, we will also examine whether traditional learning or learning through these touchscreen devices affect the child mental play and thinking. A one on one interview with the respondents will be conducted to answer our research questions.

Sampling Method The research sampling method that will be used in this study is purposive sampling to obtain a result that could be provide a better insight on this topic.This research also use the non-probabilty sampling method. The respondents in this research are parents from Klang Valley aged 35 to 45. Interview was conducted within a span of 5 days. The chosen parents must have a child in pre-school aged 3 to 6 and that child must be using touchscreen devices for a period of time. The style of interview used was semi-structured interview. The questionnaire are structured both open and close ended questions. The information asked.The sampled respondents was asked by to answer every question in the interview until the desired number of respondents which is 7 is reached. The opinion of experts will also be included in this research to provide further support and explanations regarding the respondents’ answers. 1.4 Data Analysis / Findings
Question 1: How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day?
After conducting several interviews, 14.3% that represents 1 of 7 parents feels that the time a child can spend on touchscreen varies. The parent feel that for education purpose the child can spend no constrain time whereas if for games or watching video the child can enjoy for an hour. Another 14.3% allows the child to play touchscreen devices twice a day. The remaining 71.4% representing 5 parents allow the child to play touch screen device for 2 hours a day.
The parent that allows the child to play twice a day said “I allow my child to play twice a day with 2 hours each times provided my child finish his homework on weekdays. Weekend my child has some extra time to play occasionally.” said Interviewee 7. Daily Mail UK reports that figures show that those growing up in the during the 1970s and 1980s enjoyed more than two hours of outside play each weekday, and a further nine hours at weekends - whatever the weather (Winter 2013).

Question 2: Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?
All respondents would like to accompany their children who are prone to using gadgets. “I would always monitor my child when she play the touch screen device as I want to make sure she is on the appropriate application or website that is of educational and good development.” said the Interviewee 7.
Eventhough all respondent would accompany their child while they use the touchscreen devices they have different reason of doing so. 14.3% of the parent accompany the child as the parent feel that the media is too exposed in this modern society. “Media can do wonders. Everything you need to find and know about is basically in the media, I’m afraid my child will be influence at such a young age in case any inappopriate information or video or photos appear.” said the Interviewee 1. 57.1% being represented by 4 parent feels that they are they to monitor their child to ensure the right application is being played and open. The other 14.3% parent want the child to have self-exposure.
“I encourage my child to learn himself first then would guide him to play after his self attempts.” said the Interviewee 6. The balance 14.3% parent would accompany the child to oversee the children activity.
Dr Susie Formby (2014, VI) asked practitioners how confident they think children are when they look at books and when they use tablet computers, both with and without an adult. Interestingly, the results were says that children are more confident engaging in using a touch screen device with an adult than without an adult (93.7% vs. 82.2%).

Question 3: Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that? Six of our respondents would prefer to allow their children to learn and explore new things by both ways as they believe that it would bring greater benefit with the exception one respondent who prefers physical experience. Today's youth are more inclined to stay indoors and watch television, play computer games and, in some cases, even do their homework, than go outside to play, according to researchers.
The 6 respondents that represent 85.8% agree physical and traditional experience is important. 14.3% of the parent thinks the child is able to learn new things by physical experience only. During physical experience, children also increase their social competence and emotional maturity. It enables the child to practice both verbal and nonverbal communication skills by negotiating roles, trying to gain access to ongoing play, and appreciating the feelings of others (Spodek & Saracho, 1998). The child would also be able to respond to their peers’ feelings while waiting for their turn and sharing materials and experiences (Sapon-Shevin, Dobbelgere, Carrigan, Goodman, & Mastin, 1998; Wheeler, 2004).

Question 4: Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?

86% of the parent that agreed that exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable.“Yes, I totally agree. Exposure of technology at such a tender age will bring more advantage then disadvantage for my child. She is able to learn so much just by using the iPad, you be amaze of what she is capable of. There is also bad effects that come with it but I think its good that she is able to operate a iPad as she learning something new almost everyday.” said Interviewee 4. Practitioners have positive attitudes to children’s use of touch- screen devices in their settings. Majority of practitioners think it is important for children to learn to use technology from an early age. According to Dr Formby research, practitioners view as technology would be central to children’s future lives therefore supports the proposal that to be literate today, children must learn to effectively use a range of media. (Formby, 2014)
The remaining 14% parent does not agree that exposure of technology at tender age is suitable. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) discourage usage of technology for children younger then 2 years old. “The AAP realizes that media exposure is a reality for many families in today’s society. If parents choose to engage their young children with electronic media, they should have concrete strategies to manage. Ideally, parents should review the content of what their child is watching and watch the program with their child.”

Question 5: Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?

86% of the parent answered “No” to our question mentioning that it is not necessary to reward their child with touchscreen devices. “No, it is not necessary, unless we give them a promise, like if they get good grades in final exam, and only we already promise them, we will buy them a touchscreen devise for them as reward” said Interviewee 3. In addition to that, an interviewee said he will prefer to praise instead of rewarding his child with touchscreen devices, “No, because it will pamper them. I will praise my child as a reward instead of giving material to my child” explained Interviewee 1. However, 14% of the parent answered “Yes” to our question that they will give their child touchscreen devices as a reward. A parent said that she will give her child touchscreen devices as a reward for good academic result, she stated “Yes, my child often ask me to buy her a tablet if she scores good grades in the big exam. So I did give her a tablet when she really did well.” Another parent who answered, “Yes” to our question stated, “Only when they enter secondary school,” she give her child touchscreen devices as a gift by age.

Question 6: Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?

57% of the parent agreed to our question, they think that their child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices in present modern technological world. A parent stated that it is important for their child to be exposed to touchsceen devices for the sake of world evolution and backed up with the following explanation “Yes, it is inportant for them to learn these gadgets well though as the world nowadays are all about technology and they need to be up to date with it, for the sake of education and career in the future.” Another parent mentioned that the world improved too fast and their child need to be exposed to touchscreen devices, he also said “Yes, as the world improves too fast and society is striping forward to high tech world” said Interviewee 4.In addition to the above Interviewee 7 responded “Yes” with the reason for the child to not be abandoned by the society nowadays with the following explanation during the interview, “Yes, I wont give them touchscreen devices just for entertainment but I will give them as a purpose for education. So, learn through touchscreen devices will not be left out by the society and think faster than others.” As mentioned in the introduction, touchscreen devices are now added into the syllabus to be taught and used in classes for pre-school students. However, a parent (14%) among all the respondents answered “Maybe” to our question, she thinks that there might be possible disadvantage for her child if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices, stated Interviewe 6. Maybe, it’s a common practice in today’s generation.” The remaining parent (29%) answered “No” to our question as they do not think that their child will be at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices. Many experts and also media had discussed about children are too young to be exposed to touchscreen devices and touchscreen devices has been used as a “babysitter” for the parents nowadays.

Question 7: Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why? All 7 respondents of the interview agreed that physical play is a key to toddler’s mental growth. The two main reasons from all the respondents to agree with our question are to let their child experience and have better understanding by themselves. Interviewee 5 responded“Yes, because through physical play they will find out the problem by their own and experience it by themselves, so they have a better understanding on what they are doing,” Few parents gave the similar explanation and their responds to our question during the interview, they believe that physical play can lead toddlers to have more interactions with other people, have better communication skills and have better understanding between people in everyday lives. Furthermore, the remaining two parents have the similar explanation for their responds, they think that physical play can let the toddlers to observe, feel, experience and learn instantly about new things.

1.5 Final Discussion of Insights
Although touchscreen devices are found to be not beneficial for preschool children, however, from the results we have gotten, we found out that touchscreen devices have more advantages than disadvantages. By using touchscreen devices, the children can learn and explore new things before they enter school. Examples of educational applications for preschoolers that will help them in their cognitive development such as Montessori Crosswords, TeachMe Toddler, Monkey Preschool Lunchbox and others. Interviewees believed that both touch screen devices and having physical experience will enable the children to learn whereas, interestingly, one interviewee said that they prefer physical experience to allow their children to have fun and develop good memory. Although touchscreen devices might lead pre-school children to appropriate website, the parents are willing to accompany them to ensure their children use touchscreen devices wisely whereas one interviewee said that they would only monitor their children the first few times before letting them have self-exposure.
According to Shoukry et. al, touchscreen devices are the easiest to use for preschool children. 6 out of 7 interviewees believed that touchscreen devices could be used as education purposes as well. One of the interviewee said as there are many education applications that available in the market, it can help their children in terms of education before they enter school. Surprisingly despite how the interviewees agree that touchscreen devices are beneficial for their children, they all agreed that they would allow their children to play with a time limit of 2 hours. One of the interviewee mentioned that they fear their children being too exposed to the internet which is easily access to anyone who has touchscreen devices.
Other than that, 67% of interviewees allowed their children to be exposed to technology at tender age. According to NELP Report of the National Institute for literacy, early literacy skills in the preschool years can be strong predictor of later literacy development at school (Shoukry, Sturn, Edeen). Touchscreen devices acts as a tool to promote for early literacy for preschool children. Unexpectedly, 67% of the parents think that their children will be at disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices because of how is it a trend in the world. The children must be up to date in order to follow the current trend although they are still young. One of the interviewee said his child is under his supervision, so he allowed his children to exposure themselves to technology.
Interestingly, six of the interviewees prefer their children to learn and explore new things by physical experiences and touchscreen devices. Both methods give different experiences and learn different things. By physical experiences, pre-school children can learn skills that are needed in real life and gain experiences that cannot be learned through technology. However, through touchscreen devices, pre-school children can learn more theories and increase their knowledge. According to Shoukry et. al, Interactive Multimedia create a platform for the preschool children to gain knowledge internationally. Therefore, the interviewees accept that their children can learn new things by traditional and through touchscreen devices.
Shockingly, despite how parents agree touchscreen devices are beneficial to their children, they do not agree to giving them touchscreen devices as a form of reward. 86% of the interviewees will not give touchscreen devices as a form of reward to their children. One of the interviewee said she will praise her child if she did well in exam as a reward instead of giving touchscreen devices because it will pamper them and they will just be good if there is a reward. However, 14% of the interviewees will give touchscreen devices to their children during their secondary school years as a form of reward because the children should be rewarded when they get good results. Therefore, pre-school children will do well although reward is not given.

1.6 Conclusion
While gathering the research results, we met several limitations that we had to overcome. The first limitation was that the interview was not conducted in a natural setting and this may cause the respondents to give an expected answer instead. The second limitation from this research was that the data collected was subjected to overgeneralization. There was a risk that respondents may not have useful information or that the responses may be bias.
Nonetheless, the research questions were answered throughout this study. Most of the parents agreed that the exposure of touchscreen devices to young children is beneficial and is able to enhance the learning skills of their child. Despite the results that touch screen devices are able to help the development of children, parents still want their children to engage themselves in physical play. This research can help to contribute to future studies, as these devices are beneficial to the society in the near future. Researchers can conduct a deeper study and corporations may use this research to their advantage to enhance the quality of life, creating a more functional ¬society.

1.7 References

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Appendice 1: Interview Questions

1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? 2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?
3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?
4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?
5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?
6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?
7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?

Appendice 2: Interviewee Transcript Transcript (Interviewee 1) | Theme | Q1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? A: Depends on the situation, if for education purposes, I will not set a time limit for my child to play touch screen devices. If for entertainment purposes, I will set 1 to 2 hours. | Education purposes | Q2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?A: I will accompany them, because media is too public nowadays and I scare impropriate information at the internet might see by my child, so I will guide them when they are using touch screen devices. | Media is too public | Q3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?A: Both, because through touch screen devices, my child can play education games and is more interesting, they will learn it with fun. However, through physical experience, my child can learn more practical that could not learn by playing touch screen devices. My child can understand more through experience by themselves. | Have different experience for both physical and traditional | Q4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?A: Suitable, because of the trend in the world, it is the time for children to expose themselves to devices, if not they are not following the current trend. | Suitable for pre-school children | Q5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?A: No, because it will pamper them. I will praise my child as a reward instead of giving material to my child. | Praise instead of rewarding | Q6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?A: Yes, I won’t give them touchscreen devices just for entertainment but I will give them as a purpose for education. So, learn through touchscreen devices will not be left out by society and think faster than others. | Will not abandon by society | Q7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes, because through physical play they will find out the problem by their own and experience it by themselves, so they have a better understanding on what they are doing. | Experience and have better understanding by themselves |

Transcript (Interview 2 ) | Theme | Q1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? A: 2 hours a day | 2 hours | Q2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes. To monitor them on their interest of topic and limit them on playing only games | Monitor pre-school children | Q3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?A: Both, to let them experience the fun & best of both | Both physical and traditional learning. | Q4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?A: Yes, but in a correct way | Suitable for pre-school children | Q5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?A: No | Not necessary to reward | Q6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?A: No | Not at disadvantage | Q7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes. more interaction, communication and better understanding between people in everyday lives | Let them to have better understanding |

Transcript (Interviewee 3) | Theme | Q1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? A: 2 hours is the max. | 2 hours | Q2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes, we will accompany them, as they are still pre-school children. They will just simply click here and there. It is a must to teach them to access those devices correctly. Otherwise, they might be access the devices wrongly. | Accompany pre-school children | Q3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?A: Both as well, physical experience will let them to experience more by themselves and understand the theory too; while let them to access touch screen devices will be more interesting and have fun. For example, playing education games and watching educated videos. | Have different experience for both physical and traditional | Q4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?A: Yes, as in this 21st century, almost everything transforms to computerize. | Suitable for pre-school children | Q5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?A: No, it is not necessary, unless we give them a promise, like if they get good grades in final exam, and only we already promise them, we will buy them a touchscreen devise for them as reward. | Not necessary to reward | Q6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?A: Yes, as the world improves too fast and society is striping forward to high tech world. | World improve too fast | Q7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes, it can let them to observe, feel and have a better understanding. For instance, we can teach them how to cook, let them to be experienced, realize and learn something new. | Let them to have better understanding |

Transcript (Interviewee 4) | Theme | Q1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? A: 2 hours a day. | 2 hours | Q2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes I will accompany them to monitor what sites and what apps they access to. Its normally the games that they download they I will watch out. | Accompany to monitor apps and sites the child use | Q3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?A: Both as gadgets nowadays have apps that gives a more interactive experience. My child gets more interested when they get to interact with it. Normally I would download more educational apps to help them in studies. Physical is also important as those are the skills needed for real life too. | Have different experience for both physical and traditional | Q4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?A: No not at such young age. Pre-school children should start with more physical play first. | Not at young age | Q5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?A: Yes. My child often ask me to buy her a tablet if she scores good grades in the big exam. So I did give her a tablet when she really did well. | Reward for good academic results | Q6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?A: Yes, it is important for them to learn these gadgets well though as the world nowadays are all about technology and they need to be up to date with it, for the sake of education and career in the future. | Important for the sakeof world evolution | Q7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes, it can let them to observe, feel and have a better understanding. For instance, we can teach them how to cook, let them to be experienced, realize and learn something new. | Let them to have better understanding |

Transcript (Interviewee 5) | Theme | Q1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? A: 2 hours a day | 2 hours | Q2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes. To monitor them on their interest of topic and limit them on playing only games | Monitor pre-school children | Q3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?A: Both, to let them experience the fun & best of both | Have different experience for both physical and traditional | Q4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?A: Yes, but in a correct way | Suitable for pre-school children | Q5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?A: No | Not necessary to reward | Q6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?A: No | Not at disadvantage | Q7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes. more interaction, communication and better understanding between people in everyday lives | Let them to have better understanding |

Transcript (Interviewee 6) | Theme | Q1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? A: 1-2 hours per time, twice a day | Twice a day | Q2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes for the first 2 time for the same programme/game. Not guiding them to follow instruction | Self-exposure | Q3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?A: Prefer physical experience to have fun and good memory | Physical experience | Q4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?A: Yes | Suitable for pre-school children | Q5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?A: No | Not necessary to reward | Q6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?A: Maybe, its a common practice in today's generation | Possible disadvantage | Q7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes because learn from young to have good experience | Let them to have better understanding |

Transcript (Interviewee 7) | Theme | Q1. How long would you allow your child to play touch screen devices in a day? A: 2 hours a day | 2 hours | Q2. Would you allow your child to play gadgets alone or you will accompany them and acknowledge what they are doing? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes, because it is important to see what they are doing. | Oversee the children’s activity | Q3. Do you prefer your child learn new things by using gadgets or have physical experience instead? Why you choose that?A: I would say both, because I would love it if they have the advantages of both, to have the physical experience and also learn through gadgets. | Have different experience for both physical and traditional | Q4. Do you think exposure of technology in such a tender age is suitable?A: No, I do not think it is suitable, but in order to grow if everything else is turning to the gadget side then I guess its not so much of a choice. | Parent’s supervision | Q5. Do you give touchscreen devices to your child as a form of reward?A: Only when they enter secondary school. | Gifts by age | Q6. Do you feel your child is at a disadvantage if they are not exposed to touchscreen devices?A: Yes. | Agree | Q7. Do you think physical play is a key to toddler's mental growth? If yes, why? If no, why?A: Yes, they can learn through experience | Learning through experience |

Appendices 3: Workbook | Question 1 | Question 2 | Question 3 | Interviewee 1 | Depends on the situation, if for education purposes, I will not set a time limit for my child to play touch screen devices. If for entertainment purposes, I will set 1 to 2 hours. | I will accompany them, because media is too public nowadays and I scare impropriate information at the internet might see by my child, so I will guide them when they are using touch screen devices. | Both, because through touch screen devices, my child can play education games and is more interesting, they will learn it with fun. However, through physical experience, my child can learn more practical that could not learn by playing touch screen devices. My child can understand more through experience by themselves. | Interviewee 2 | 2 hours | Yes, to ensure that they are surfing the appropriate website | Both, to ensure that they are physically and mentally strong in adapting to changes. | Interviewee 3 | 2 hours is the max | Yes, we will accompany them, as they are still a pre-school children. They will just simply click here and there. It is a must to teach them to access those devices correctly. | Both as well, physical experience will let them to experience more by themselves and understand the theory too; while let them to access touch screen devices will be more interesting and have fun. E.g education games and watching educated videos | Interviewee 4 | 2 hours a day. | Yes I will accompany them to monitor what sites they access to and what apps there use | Both as gadgets they get a more interactive experience but physical experience is better to enhance real life skills | Interviewee 5 | 2 hours a day | Yes. To monitor them on their interest of topic and limit them on playing only games | Both, to let them experience the fun & best of both | Interviewee 6 | 1-2 hours per time, twice a day | Yes for the first 2 times for the same programme/game. Not guiding them to follow instruction | Prefer physical experience to have fun and good memory | Interviewee 7 | 2 -3 hours a day is okay. | Yes, because it is important to see what they are doing. | I would say both, because I would love it if they have the advantages of both, to have the physical experience and also learn through gadgets. |

Question 4 | Question 5 | Question 6 | Question 7 | Suitable, because of the trend in the world, it is the time for children to expose themselves to devices, if not they are not following the current trend. | No, because it will pamper them. I will praise my child as a reward instead of giving material to my child. | Yes, I won’t give them touchscreen devices just for entertainment but I will give them as a purpose for education. So, learn through touchscreen devices will not be left out by society and think faster than others. | Yes, because through physical play they will find out the problem by their own and experience it by themselves, so they have a better understanding on what they are doing. | Yes but it should be under supervision of parents | No | Yes | Yes as it is a growing stage. | Yes, as in this 21st century, almost everything transforms to computerize. | No, it is not necessary( unless we give them a promise e.g if they get good grades in final exam) | Yes, as the world improves too fast. | Yes, it can let them to observe, feel and have a better understanding(e.g cook an egg) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes, but in a correct way | No | No | Yes. more interaction, communication and better understanding between people in everyday lives | Yes | No | Maybe, its a common practice in today's generation | Yes because learn from young to have good experience | No, I do not think it is suitable, but in order to grow if everything else is turning to the gadget side then I guess its not so much of a choice. | Only when they enter secondary school. | Yes | Yes, they can learn through experience |

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