Premium Essay

The Great Gatsby


Submitted By cardsfan123
Words 3177
Pages 13
The Great Gatsby and The American Dream While many countries around the world are working toward equality of social status and avoiding a large gap between rich and poor, there is still a strong desire in people for social freedom through the accumulation of wealth and extravagance.
The Great Gatsby’s depiction of the connection between material goods and the American dream is still relevant today. At first glance, the movie may seem to be about the failed relationship of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. However, the major theme of the novel is the accumulation of wealth for social status and the idea of being able to reach a high level of success regardless of family history or lack of money. To understand the connection between the two it will be necessary to have an analysis of the culture values in the 1920’s, what people consider to be the American dream, and finally if there is still a strong desire to achieve the American dream in today’s society.
In order to understand the connection between The Great Gatsby and the American dream it is first important to have a good understanding about the movie and motifs of the movie/novel itself. The story takes place in a post war America in the 1920’s when Nick Carraway moves to New York to pursue his career in finance. Nick soon discovers that he is neighbored to the wealthy and mysterious Jay Gatsby, who is known for his loud, lavish parties. Jay and Nick soon become good friends and Nick begins to learn the motifs behind the parties and the flashy accessories. The motifs behind the parties were to catch Daisy Buchanan’s attention, who lives just across the bay. Nick learns that Daisy is the only thing that Mr. Gatsby wants. It then becomes a battle for Daisy’s love as she is already married to Tom Buchanan, a rich man himself. Throughout the story Jay Gatsby uses gifts and material items to show Daisy what it

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