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The Impact of Hr Focused Tqm Practices on Employee Satisfaction & Loyalty in the Financial Sector of Pakistan


Submitted By burhannawazbutt
Words 10408
Pages 42
The Impact of HR Focused TQM Practices on Employee Satisfaction & Loyalty in the Financial Sector of Pakistan

Burhan Nawaz Butt, Aamir Daraz, Nauman Imtiaz, Junaid Jameel, Ali Raza, Zunair Akram, Tauqeer Ahmad, Farhat Abbas, Israr Khan Niazi, Javeria Mehmood, Irum Naz
Department of Management Sciences, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, Pakistan



* Research Objectives: * Financial Sector of Pakistan:

Literature Review: * TQM and its Importance:

It has been argued that the use of TQM practices has a synergistic impact on organizational performance (Schonberger, 1986; Cobb, 1993).

Some studies have found that the use of TQM practices reduces manufacturing process variance, eliminates reworks and scraps, and improves quality performance (see Daniel and Reitsperger (1991), Flynn et al. (1995) and Schmenner and Cook (1985).

In addition, there is considerable anecdotal evidence (Crosby, 1984; Hayes and Wheelwright, 1984; Gerwin, 1987; Harmon and Peterson, 1990) on the extent to which TQM initiatives enhance the potential for firms to improve their performance. More recently, empirical evidence suggests that there are direct and indirect relationships between the adoption of TQM practices and firms’ performance levels (Hendricks and Singhal, 2001; Kaynak, 2003).

Fortune 1000 companies surveyed indicated that firms achieved greatest success when they pursued both TQM and employment involvement simultaneously. Kevin M. McNeilly and Fredrick A.Russ 1992
Collaboration between managers and non managers between function and between customers and suppliers is an important principal of TQM Kevin M. McNeilly and Fredrick A.Russ 1992.

Lawler et al. (1992), in a 1990 survey of Fortune 1000 firms, determined that 77% of U.S. companies have implemented a TQM program, covering an average of 41% of the firm's

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