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The Impact of Today's Technology on Family and Work Life


Submitted By Helenc
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The impact of today’s technology on family and work life
The world has witnessed a whirlwind of change since after the industrial revolution and no sector is it more prevalent than in Technology. Prior to the twenty first century, majority of the convenience we are accustomed to today were non- existent, and where they do people were engaged in providing them; be it banking automatic teller machine, lift operating, telephony, etc. Personal development has taken on a whole new meaning due to advancement in technology and today’s employees are in jobs created mostly due to technology. No one would have visualised decades ago that there would be applications to do everything we need to and communicate and we can have most of them on our cell phones and or accessed them at a single click from our laptops and desktops. The impact is humongous. In sales and marketing for example, the customer has access to information like never before and in most cases would have made initial buying decisions based on that information and before being approached by a salesman. Technological advancement is visible in our classrooms too. Before, lectures were delivered using chalks and blackboards. Today, lectures are delivered via projectors. There is a college in the state of Philadelphia where all students use laptops. In other words, education has become paperless, and it is so in many parts of the world now. A nation and people that has contributed significantly into making technology accessible and affordable for the world is China. It is a country with over 1.6 billion and a workforce of about 700 million. Although this is a short article on the impacts of technological advancement on our lives, the intention was not to cover all the changes visible today as a result of technology.

In conclusion, organisations responsible for some of these advancements should also start inventing jobs or find ways to engage our youths in meaningful endeavours.

Harry Dickson Writer and contributor

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