Premium Essay

The Power of Steroids in the Sports World


Submitted By dclover05
Words 3631
Pages 15
Steroids are one of the most controversial drugs known to the human race. These drugs are seemingly notorious for their ability to produce large amounts of muscle mass in an attempt to exploit ultimate power, performance, and dominance in a person. However, the negative effects of steroids tend to have a severe impact on the justification of the drug’s use in today’s society. When I say society, I am rather referring to a more predominant superior subculture, the professional athlete that can easily be held accountable for the cultivation and spread of steroids. This “high-class” group can denote the contrary of ethics; that is, revealing actions which tend to expose a sense of narcissistic personal qualities that hinder our beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. At one point or another, performance enhancing substances outspokenly seem to enter every professional athlete’s mind. The issue of steroids or any performance enhancing drugs in this matter has significantly heightened recently and seems to be a legitimate issue within professional sports. In an attempt to meet expectations and standards, reduce the pressures to perform, and alleviate public scrutiny, many professional athletes are left quivering in fear whether or not to take the two-faced drug that’s so readily adhered to by many.

In my attempt to explore the mainstream issue of steroids in professional sports, I wish to focus on three imperative aspects that will help assist in the configuration of such a prevailing concern. How do steroids operate in the body? The biological construction of steroids is essential and must be deconstructed in order to interpret and understand exactly what these drugs are, how they function, and their main objective. What drives athletes to such inhuman decisions to use performance enhancing drugs such as steroids? Every athlete who performs such a drug

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