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The Pros And Cons Of Vaccines

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Modern medicine provides people with the ability to protect themselves from the world’s most fatal diseases. Merely a century ago, it was not uncommon for a child to die as a result of diseases such as polio, pertussis, and tuberculosis. Today it is highly unlikely for a person to contract these diseases, let alone die from them. However, refusal of vaccinations has been increasing throughout the years. This is due to individual’s unfounded fears and imagined consequences associated with the idea of purposely inserting a disease into one’s body. Despite one’s beliefs, vaccines are essential not only to a person’s well-being, but to the health of those around them. Mandatory vaccinations do not cause autism; rather, they save lives while also …show more content…
They work by utilizing a variety of substances to defend the human body against potentially deadly microorganisms (“Vaccine” 1). Vaccines operate by introducing a weakened version of the virus, or a strand of a protein from the bacteria into the immune system. In turn, this insertion causes the production of antibodies which help to fight the actual infection, by attacking the virus upon its entry into the body (“Vaccine” 1-2). Previously, vaccines revolved around observations that humans will develop an immunity to a disease, that they are exposed to, given they survive (“Vaccine” 1). However, vaccinations are far safer as they are manipulated to prevent contraction of the given disease (“Vaccine” 2). A majority of vaccines require a series of booster shots over a set time period to ensure effectiveness. Similarly, the influenza vaccine is administered yearly to keep up with its constantly changing surface proteins (“Vaccine” 2). Despite medical advancements and improved vaccinations, people still question the safety of these …show more content…
In Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Court upheld a previous law requiring adults to be vaccinated for smallpox (Chemerinsky, Goodwin 604). Similarly, the Court ruled a city can require vaccinations “for all children in school, even if there is no immediate threat of an epidemic,” as stated in Zucht v. King (Chemerinsky, Goodwin 605). Additionally, in Workman v. Mingo County Board of Education, the Court ruled no exemptions were constitutional. Notably, in Prince v. Massachusetts, the Court ruled that mandatory vaccines do not violate freedom of religion (Chemerinsky, Goodwin 606). McCarthy v. Boozman, Sherr v. Northport-East Northport Union Free School District, and Wright v. Dewitt School District, all came to the same conclusion (Chemerinsky, Goodwin 607). In most cases the final verdict was made on the basis “that laws promoting public health or safety fall under a state’s police power and are under the sole discretion of the state unless the law violates the Constitution” (Chemerinsky, Goodwin

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