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The Rhetorical Triangle


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The Rhetorical Triangle

Unit 1 IP

Romeo McIver

AIU Online University


This paper will discuss the effectiveness and the differences of the two videos I viewed; “The Heart Truth for Women” and “Create the Life You Love” by BeautiControl. I will explain whether or not they were successful or not successful in their presentation, provide examples why one video presentation was more effective.

The term rhetoric is used to describe the effectiveness of language and how incorporating certain aspects into writing and speech can lead to improved clarity and persuasion. If used correctly, rhetoric should include ethos, pathos, and logos, also known as the rhetorical triangle, in order to have a well rounded argument. Although opinions on the 'real' definition of rhetoric differ, overall it means correct usage of structure, argument, and support to create an overall understanding of the point the writer or speaker is trying to convey.

Both videos were very informative; Create the Life You Love speaker was very clear on the subject of flexibility and financial freedom of women creating their own destiny with opportunities that are truly limitless. The video was very successful because the speaker was energetic while explaining about the different lifestyles you can have, the friendships you make when you become part of the organization, the extra income you can make, the balancing of home life and a punch the clock job, how good you will feel about yourself with the extra earnings, fulfillment and empowerment of taking control of your life. This one was more effective to me, the audience because it discussed how to make money being a stay at home mom which is very important to me because I have a son with Spastic Cerebral Palsy and seizure disorders whom demand a lot of my time and working two jobs to help pay his medical bills would be great.

Now I also like the presentation on The Heart Truth for Women because there was a speaker who gave great details on how to be heart healthy and discussed the statics of the number of women dying and having strokes at a young age. She discussed that it was a disease that effected women in every community in the United States and could affect me. The video shared five stories from women who had heart attacks or strokes due to unforeseen heart problems because they were not heart healthy; meaning eating the right foods, exercising, stop smoking and getting their yearly physical. This video talked about how heart disease has changed the lives and outlook on women like me, and why women should take steps now to protect their heart and that heart disease should not be the #1 killer of women. Both videos were effective to me because I need to do both stay healthy for my son and find a way to be a stay at home mom that have an income.


BeautiControl. (2009). “Create the Life You Love”. Retrieved from

Communication Skills. (n. a.) (n. d.). “The Rhetorical Triangle” Retrieved June 11, 2011 from

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. (January 2008). “The Heart Truth”. Retrieved June 11, 2011 from,_Lung,_and_Blood_Institute

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