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The Road to Peace


Submitted By Supernurse
Words 1360
Pages 6
Cynthia Aurand
Sara Piotrowski
Culture and Civilization II
12 December 2014
Gandhi and King the Road to Peace
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were two extraordinary men who shared a similar philosophy for the road to peace. Both men believed in nonviolent protest or nonviolent resistance to injustice and used nonviolent methods to push forward their cause. For Gandhi this cause was lobbying against the British rule, the unification and independence of India (Adams, Langer, Hwa, Stearns, and Wiesner-Hanks,). For Dr. King the cause was civil rights and social injustice to the black population in America, but also the social issues of racism, capitalism, poverty and militarism. Dr. King also took up the cause of speaking out against the war in Vietnam and lobbied for the U.S. government to withdraw from Vietnam (King Jr.). I believe that both of these men, although differed in some aspects, believed in a philosophy of peace, love, and human brotherhood and as such their philosophy and views hold relevant material for us today as we journey through tumultuous times and navigate the social injustices that remain. Gandhi fought for the independence of India and the right for India to self-govern and attain rights for the citizens of India. Mahatma Gandhi took up the cause of fighting against British rule with unequal laws in a unique way. He encouraged nonviolent protest or what he termed “nonviolent civil disobedience” in the face of aggression or violence, defying the laws of the time (Gandhi). Whereas, Dr. King’s cause was a civil rights issue, fighting for the rights of the black American, who although by law should have equal rights and standing, remained oppressed. Therefore, Gandhi fought to gain rights for India while King fought a battle for equal rights for black Americans. In that way their cause differed, even though they both were

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