Premium Essay

The Role of Internal Audit in Erm


Submitted By mka5356
Words 3877
Pages 16
September 29, 2004

The Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprise-wide Risk Management
In conjunction with the newly released Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management - Integrated Framework, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), in coordination with its IIAUK and Ireland affiliate, has issued a position paper on The Role of Internal Audit in Enterprise-wide Risk Management. The paper's purpose is to assist chief audit executives (CAEs) in responding to enterprise risk management (ERM) issues in their organizations. The paper suggests ways for internal auditors to maintain the objectivity and independence required by The IIA's International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) when providing assurance and consulting services. Internal auditing's core role with regard to ERM is to provide objective assurance to the board on the effectiveness of an organization's ERM activities to help ensure key business risks are being managed appropriately and that the system of internal control is operating effectively Recommended Roles The main factors CAEs should take into account when determining internal auditing's role are whether the activity raises any threats to the internal auditors' independence and objectivity, and whether it is likely to improve the organization's risk management, control, and governance processes. The IIA's position paper indicates which roles internal auditing should and should not play throughout the ERM process. Core internal auditing roles in regard to ERM. • • • • • Giving assurance on risk management processes. Giving assurance that risks are correctly evaluated. Evaluating risk management processes. Evaluating the reporting of key risks. Reviewing the management of key risks.

Legitimate internal auditing roles with safeguards. • • • • • • •

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