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The Symbol Of Guilt In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Throughout the play, hand symbolizes guilt for many characters, but especially for Macbeth. After Macbeth kills Duncan, he starts to hear voices in his head that are coming from Duncan’s guards saying, “One cried 'God bless us!' and 'Amen' the other; / As they had seen me with these hangman's hands.” Macbeth feels so guilty about killing Duncan that he starts to imagine voices. He even subconsciously stops himself from saying “Amen”, because he most likely feels that he is full of sin, and therefore should not be able to say “Amen”. When Macbeth is talking to Lady Macbeth about his murder of Duncan, Macbeth says, “What hands are here? ha! they pluck out mine eyes. / Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No, this

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