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The Uk Government Is Constrained by the Constitution


Submitted By ashc
Words 836
Pages 4
The UK government is constrained by the British Constitution
Constitutions are fundamental rules that regulate how a state or any other type of organisation is supposed to be governed. A quote by the UCL Constitution Unit “Constitutions organise, distribute and regulate state power. They set out the structure of the state, the major state institutions, and the principles governing their relations with each other and with the state’s citizens”. The points I would like to raise that would support this statement are that the UK constitution is uncodified, Parliamentary Sovereignty, government control over parliament. However there are major points that would contradict with this statement; Rule of law, European court of human rights, referendums.
The fact that the British Constitution is uncodified means that it can be flexible which means that I can be easily changed and adapted according to the circumstance, also it means that not every single thing is written down on one document it is spread out in many. This means that once there is a matter that the government needs to deal with they won’t be restricted by the constitution. For example the US constitution is codified which means that everything is on one document which would restrict them from doing anything that may be wrong now but believed to right in the past. Furthermore a law that is written by the US constitution that has mainly obstructed the way people want to live their lives is “people have the right to bare arms”. This law confines the government from arresting people who have guns because it is not against the law. Whereas since the UK constitution is not written they can easily change this law by going through the House of Commons who then pass on to the House of Lords.
Parliamentary Sovereignty gives the government authority. The House of Parliament is the highest authority and within the

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