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Things to Consider in Shifting


Submitted By stefaniegang
Words 1464
Pages 6
Have you ever felt like you are pursuing the wrong degree? Can you honestly tell yourself that what you are taking up now is your OWN choice?

The freshman year is a deciding period for most Lormanians as to whether they will pursue their respective degrees or shift to another. Students describe the first year of college as the most frustrating and the most demanding. It is the year when you begin to question the significance of your subjects to your course. It is the time when you ask yourself this question several times, “Para saan ba itong subject na ‘to?”

Subjects like Philippine History, NSTP and Philippine Literature vaguely introduce the rudiments of the degree being pursued. For instance, associating Philippine History with taking care of patients in the pediatric ward is truly difficult. And who can explain the purpose of studying Trigonometry when your job is to treat patients who are already out of breath?

Of course, minors like those mentioned in the previous paragraph lay the foundation of more advanced subjects. You are not taking them up for no reason. Most of these subjects are prerequisites. For instance, Physics is a prerequisite of most Radiologic Technology and Physical Therapy subjects. A good foundation in Biochemistry provides a better understanding of Nutrition and Diet Therapy.

When confronted with such dilemmas, many students cry, “Are these subjects really necessary for my course?” or “Do I really need these subjects to call myself a [insert your aspired job title here]?”

Failure to discover the connection between the minor subject and the pursued course is one of the reasons why students fail in class. Because of the inability to associate the subject to the profession, many students start to lose interest and neglect the subject. At the end of the semester, the student earns a failing mark and will be kicked out of his

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