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Thinking Forward


Submitted By DTrain2011
Words 1413
Pages 6
Desmond Scott
Professor Barley
16 June 2016
Thinking Forward
The question is to have or to have not, to become or succumb, to thrive or to survive. The United States is an interesting case of the “haves” and the “have nots” considering it’s one of the wealthiest nations in the world and yet there are still those who sleep on the street. Bambara’s illustration in “The Lesson” serves as an exposé on the mentality, self-esteem, and environment primarily of the “have nots.” The pivotal point in the story is that the children are introduced to a new, yet profound truth. That truth is this: There’s more to life than just the ‘hood.
Though the story took place roughly 4 decades ago it’s quite obvious that there are still inequalities in America. A general explanation of this issue would be that we still have an upper-class, middle-class, working-class, and lower-class which indicates the unequal distribution of wealth. However, as it relates to this particular story despite the main inequality of in the story, Bambara presents a dichotomy of two different groups of people with two different realities colliding head-on. When Sugar says “You know, Miss Moore I don’t think all of us here put together eat in a year what that sailboat costs.”(Bambara 7) She indicates that she and the other kids live in a reality where their families live paycheck to paycheck and to even think of something a nice as F.A.O. Schwarz is a pipe dream. On the other hand, Ms. Moore lives in a reality where she has learned that she can have more if she puts her mind to it because she said “Where we are is who we are, but it don’t necessarily have to be that way.” (Bambara 6)
Unequal distribution is still going on, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was in that time period. African Americans have many more opportunities and the key to tapping into them is being educated on the ins and outs of the economy. This is very much possible because nowadays we have so much more information readily available on how the economy works, how to run a successful business, and so much more. We’ve come a mighty long way.
Having read the contrasting points of view between Sylvia and Ms. Moore who are the primary characters as well as some of the other kids, the reader can deduce that inequality partly has to do with where your mind is. For instance, Sylvia is the only one who fusses about going to F.A.O. Schwarz saying things like “Watcha bring us here for, Miss Moore?”(Bambara 6) in an angry tone which is really a reaction to being intimidated by such a fancy place unlike anything she’d ever been to before. Not to mention she couldn’t stand it when Sugar said “I think that this is not much of a democracy if you ask me. Equal chance to pursue happiness means an equal crack at the dough don’t it?” (Bambara 7) The fact that Sugar said that shows that she’s been paying attention to the world around her and she knows she deserves more. In fact, it’s this statement along with what Ms. Moore said about their environment and identity that entire story hinges on.
To expand on Sylvia’s crass reaction to the field trip, a critical thing Sylvia must have noticed when she arrived on 5th Avenue was that no one else there who looked like her and her friends. No doubt she’s insecure because she said “…when we get there I kinda hang back…Got as much right to go in as anybody. But somehow I can’t seem to get hold of the door…” (Bambara 5) It’s possible to say that the root of Sylvia’s mindset has to do with the deep-seated generational curse of inferiority which started with slavery. In summary, years of being treated less than and never having access to better things affected the perspective of many African Americans to the point that the better life seemed unattainable. With that being said many African Americans stopped trying to achieve better and only made the best of what they had.
Sylvia’s mindset is definitely prevalent in our society today particularly in the African American community. For example there are parts of the America particularly in the south where if someone from a different region of the country comes dressed in a particular way or speaks properly and comes off as well learnt the people there are apt to cast disdainful looks as if to say that what you call normal behavior comes off as condescending to them. “…I’m really tired of the nappy-head bitch and goddamn college degree.” (Bambara 1) Obviously Sylvia has an attitude and that’s because of the very presence Ms. Moore carries. She’s intimidated by her because she knows that she made something of herself which was totally out of the ordinary for her.
Unfortunately there are people who can’t see past the end of their noses. They think that all there is to life is where they live, the people the associate with and their jobs. It’s completely understandable as to how intimidating it can be to step out of a comfort zone in search of something better because progress is perpetual a process that can sometimes be tedious and painful. So when someone in the family moves up they rock the boat and sometimes the people closest to that person become the harshest critics because when someone gets dissatisfied with just surviving and chooses to thrive by any means necessary they can inadvertently create an insecurity within those that person is surrounded by.
Mercedes is the classier of the bunch who like Ms. Moore knows that she can have more if she puts her mind to it. Fortunately, Mercedes’ mindset is also prevalent in the African American community. There many more African Americans striving for more these days and achieving it because they know it’s available to them. Here’s an example: according to the census bureau 2.9 million African Americans enrolled in college in 2010 which is a 1.7 million increase since 1990. This, among many other improvements, is huge.
The solution to this situation as it relates to bettering oneself has to do solely with the mind. Once the mindset changes from complacency and negativity the unlimited possibilities can come to fruition in a person’s life. The key is to not shy away from new things just because they are out of the ordinary. In the story, Ms. Moore was always saying “Where we are is who we are, but it don’t necessarily have to be that way.” (Bambara 6) It finally hit home for Sylvia that day and though she was cynical about it she got the message and it sparked a change in her mind.
Another inequality that African Americans continue to deal with along with an unprogressive mentality has to do with education. Studies have shown that students who attend urban schools have a serious disadvantage in terms of quality textbooks and qualified teachers as opposed to suburban schools which incidentally consist predominantly of Caucasian students. One reason for this is the lack of parental involvement in their children’s education. This is a critical factor because if the parents don’t push their children to strive for more the odds are the children won’t do it themselves. Naturally the solution would be for the parents to get involved, join the PTA, and attend parent teacher conferences just to name a few things. To tie this back into the story it’s probable that Mercedes’ parents are involved in her education especially since she understands the importance of a work area.
In conclusion, Sylvia learned that among the many inequalities that exist in America there is one equality that ultimately cancels them all out and that is the equal chance of changing the mindset. Ms. Moore teaches both the children and the reader that they have the power to cause a metamorphosis in their lives. In order to get more out of life one must undoubtedly believe that they can have more. That train of thought will produce a prosperous lifestyle. The world of man’s mind and the issues of his heart are the very character of his life.

Works Cited Profile America Facts for Features, 2012. Web. 13 June 2016.

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