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Submitted By peterzaki1225
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Pages 2
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Final Project Mrs. Quirk ELA 11

Choose one of the following project options for your final project on the book Into the Wild. Projects will be graded upon their quality of content, relation to the book, neatness, thoroughness, and creativity.

***Due on Wednesday December 4, 2013***

1. Create a map indicating at least 3 places of significance to Christopher McCandless. Cite 2 quotes from the book about each location that helps explain what was important about each location.

2. Create a detailed model, painting, or drawing of the locations where Chris/Alex spent significant time during his 2+ year adventure (ie. The Slabs, Alaska & Fairbanks City Bus #42, etc). Include labels and a paragraph describing the location in details and explaining why you included the details that you did.

3. Imagine if Chris had gotten across the Teklanika River and returned to civilization. Write what his next 5 journal entries would be about, his observations and insights after re-entering “society” after his Alaska adventure (be sure that one entry is at least a page). Who would he visit? What would he say? How may his opinions have changed?

4. Write from Chris’s sister, Corine’s perspective. She no longer has the chance to talk with her brother, and they were quite close. What do you think she would have to say to her brother? What questions would she have? What comments? If she had kept a journal during the 2+ years that Chris was missing, what do you think she would have written in it? Write 5 journal entries from that journal.

5. Write 3 letters: one to Jon Krakauer telling him your impressions of the novel and asking any questions you may have for him, one to Chris McCandless with your comments and questions and telling him what you think of his adventures, and finally one letter to his sister Corine as if it were from Chris.


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