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To Tablet or Not to Tablet – That Is the Question


Submitted By Sassyjan8
Words 1316
Pages 6
To Tablet Or Not To Tablet – That Is The Question Advances in technological development over the past four decades have created new opportunities and new ways to conduct business and explore the new channels of communication. Over the past several years, the growth in mobile technology and development of new advanced mobile devices such as smart phones and media tablets has increased the potential revenue of some businesses that have embraced the new technology and taken stops to secure a niche in the market. “Earlier this year, choosing the best tablet computer was as simple as knowing one model name: iPad.” (Consumer Reports). As of late August 2011, Apple’s computer tablet iPad and iPad2 represent over 61% of the market for tablets, leaving other companies such as Hewlett Packard laggin behind (Difference Engine: Reality Dawns). Simply put, it doesn’t matter if it’s the iPhone, the Macbook, or most recently iPad, everyone wants one, and if they can’t have it they want something as close to it as possible. It is important then, to explore what the iPad has that makes it the staunch front runner in the tablet industry. Not only has Steve Jobs of Apple Computers offered the world innovative and user friendly technological creations, with the release of each product, Apple’s success has forced its competitors to raise their stakes as well. Innovative, user-friendly, and in-genius are but a few of the many words that have become synonymous with Apple products. One of iPad’s biggest advantages has been its easy to use features. Since inception, Apple has sought to create products that would encourage the novice user, making user friendliness a priority above all else. For example, while personal computer makers were fumbling with a double sided mouse pad, Apple designed the mouse to be only single click, arguing that the challenge of learning to use a computer was already a task daunting enough without the added aggravation of double and single click mouse pads. A key factor in determining the success of an electronic product is longevity. When the iPad was released, Apple claimed it had a battery life of 10 hours. However, when tested, not only did the iPad and the iPad2 stand up to the 10 hour challenge, in many cases they outlasted that time constraint. PC World’s Tony Bradley put his iPad2 thru the same test as his Dell Notebook and while his PC required a recharge in just under two hours, the iPad lasted for a solid 11 ½ hours (Bradley). reported the iPad batter life at just under 10 hours and iPad2 up to 10:26, this clearly shows that both products far outlast their competitors and stand up to Apple’s claims (Stevens). Edward Baig of USA Today, found, in his review of the Galaxy Tab, that Verizon’s claim of a 12 hour battery life was disappointing to say the least (Baig). During a single use session with the brightness level at 75%, the average use of both its cellular and Wi-Fi connections, while streaming videos, the battery life was exhausted at 4 ½ hours. Battery life on the Xoom is claimed to last at least 10 hours.’s product review tested this claim and found that by running a video on loop with the screen brightness set at 65%, the battery lasted for up to 8 ½ hours (Topolsky). When put to the test, Blackberry’s tablet lasted a whole 7 hours, an hour more than the Galaxy Tab, but 1 hour less than the Xoom’s performance. Finally, the HP Touchpad claimed a battery life of 9 hours; in its test proceeded to last 8 ½ hours (Stevens). For most of us, comparing battery life may seem trivial and one product outlasting another by only 30-60 minutes may not matter. The bigger picture is this: will the product work for me when I need it to? If the answer is anything but a resounding yes, the product simply won’t sell successfully. The inspiration fo the concept of the tablet computer came from Alan Kay in 1972 in the form of a product called a Dynabook. Kay sought to create a learning tool for children which would have access to a central database and allow for ease of transfer of information from one tablet to another. Furthermore, he proposed a design which included an actual keyboard as well as a touch screen using crystal liquid technology (Kay). Like many innovators before him, Kay believed the Dynabook would come with its share of problems, yet would still “allow centuries of human knowledge to be encapsulated and transmitted to everybody; perhaps an active medium can also convey some of the excitement of thought and creation.” While Kay’s Dynabook did not invoke the emotion or excitement he dreamed, its successors of in the 21st Century have more than achieved this goal. If you were to ask anyone at Apple who released the first tablet, their answer likely would be and automatic Apple and the Newton Message Pad in 1993. Apple, at that time, sought to create a product that would simplify the simple and they relied on handwriting recognition to promote their tablet. The newton Message Pad was far from perfect, in fact, it wasn’t until Apple upgraded to the NewtonOS 2.0 that the product had any success. By February 198, the product still wasn’t selling successfully, which is when newly reappointed CEO Steve Jobs discontinued production as a cost cutting measure. “Apple really beats to a different drummer. I used to say that Apple should be the Sony of this business, but in reality, I think Apple should be the Apple of this business.” (Jobs) Of the 7.5 million tablets that shipped during the second quarter, 80% were iPads, well ahead of those from rivals like Motorola, Samsung, RIM, Asus, and HTC, according to a study by Strategy Analytics. “Still, the advantage tablets offer over laptops is an easy, portable way to check email, browse the Web, video chat, consume media, and play games, but with a much bigger screen with more real estate than your smartphone can provide” (Donnell). We, as consumers, always want to buy a product that is 100% as solid inside as it is outside. We seek out products that can easily be incorporated into our lifestyle; in turn making things easier for ourselves. Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Blackberry Playbook, and HP Touchpad have all tried to carve out a slice of the pie for themselves in the computer tablet industry…all have failed in comparison to Apple’s iPad. Apple took extra precaution to make sure that the iPad was a new product category and not an extension or variation of its previous products, the iPhone or iPod. PC tablet makers have tried to promote a product which is lighter, thinner, and more a portable version of an already abysmal product: the netbook. The iPad brings a breath of fresh air to the industry, and not a single person or critic can deny their impact. Like all Apple products, it has revolutionized how people view the tablet and what they expect from it. As the late great Steve Jobs put it, “when you do what you believe is great work, you can’t go wrong.” The iPad and iPad2 are undoubtedly examples of cataclysmic work. Works Cited
Baig, Edward C. USA Today. 3 August 2011. 31 March 2012 .
Bradley, Tony. PC World. 10 July 2011. 31 March 2012 .
Consumer Reports. October 2011. 27 March 2012 .
Difference Engine: Reality Dawns. 26 August 2011. 31 March 2012 .
Donnell, Wendy Sheehan. PC 28 September 2011. 31 March 2012 .
Jobs, Steve. Bullion is Beautiful. 9 January 2012. 31 March 2012 .
Kay, Alan C. Digital Library. August 1972. 31 March 2012 .
Stevens, Tim. Engadget. 13 April 2011. 31 March 2012 .
Topolsky, Joshua. 23 February 2011. 31 March 2012 .

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