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Tommy John Research Paper

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Tommy John is a name that every man involved in baseball knows as a legend, yet a name that they never want to hear. Tommy John has given his name to a famous surgical procedure that has not only revitalized the game of baseball, but possibly even saved it. Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction surgery, more commonly known as Tommy John surgery, is a reconstructive surgery of an elbow ligament and is widely regarded as one of the greatest feats in sports medicine of all time. The miraculous surgery has saved and extended the careers of many pitchers allowing them to continue throwing at a major league level even into their forties. However, the process does take its toll which generally amounts to at least nine months of recovery …show more content…
The surgery is necessary when a pitcher tears his ulnar collateral ligament, which is more often than not a result of a long, strenuous career of throwing pitch after pitch, inning after inning. The ligament wears down and eventually fails without warning. Without a properly functioning ulnar collateral ligament a man cannot throw a baseball, and so a ball player will require surgery. The surgery, which was developed, tested, and perfected by Dr. Frank Jobe in 1974, is a fairly simple surgery and nowadays is considered nearly routine. The doctor opens the inside of the elbow and removes the torn ligament. He then harvests either the palmaris tendon in the wrist or the hamstring tendon from the back of the leg, both of which are nearly useless. The doctor then goes back into the elbow and drills holes in the upper and lower arm and loops the new tendon through the loops in as close to the same position as the damaged one as possible. At this point he may move the ulnar nerve, otherwise known as the funny bone, to make sure it is not entrapped. The surgeon will then sew up the arm and conclude the surgery. The recovery and rehabilitation process for Tommy John surgery is typically between nine and twelve months. After this span of time the pitcher will go back to throwing, however history has given us mixed results when it comes …show more content…
Whether it is music, school, or sports it is only natural that parents will want to see their children succeed. Parents would love to see their kids go on to be doctors, lawyers, or even professional athletes. However, with this generation there is another motivation for extracurricular success: scholarships. Our generation is being taught that college is the surest way to career success and financial stability by our teachers and parents. We are groomed and tailored for college in hopes of being admitted to a prestigious school, but college isn’t cheap. Tuition costs are too much for the vast majority of American households to afford without thousands of dollars in debt. Therefore any sum of money a student can earn through scholarships is amplified in value because of the importance of secondary education and the insurmountable cost. If a child has a natural talent for an extracurricular activity that can earn them a scholarship it is only natural for parent to push them to succeed in that activity. However, the line has to be drawn between what is best for the family and what is best for the child’s

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