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Submitted By Abdullah88
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Audi, part of the Volkswagen Group, is an internationally acclaimed manufacturer of high quality cars that traces its history back to the establishment of A. Horch & Cie. in Cologne in 1899. Audi’s commitment to advanced technology and progressive design in its products is summed up in the well-known slogan: “Vorsprung durch Technik.” In 2002, its plants in Germany and elsewhere produced nearly 736,000 cars and more than 1.28 million engines. Its most popular model, the Audi A4, accounted for more than 45 per cent of the cars produced. However Audi AG is also the employer of almost 51,000 persons.

Over the years, Audi has witnessed the growth of a complex IT infrastructure consisting of more than 450 applications running on a variety of platforms. The number of interfaces between these applications is large and growing, and the demand for integration has intensified following the introduction of the SAP R/3 software solution as the company’s strategic solution for finance, controlling and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for component production actually in the SAP introduction- project GEMINI at the engine plant in Hungary. To develop new interfaces quickly and cost-effectively, Audi recently carried out one of the world’s first implementations of SAP Exchange Infrastructure SAP XI.
SAP XI, a major software component of the SAP Net-Weaver integration platform and application platform supports a process-oriented environment for the exchange of messages between application systems. By comparison with conventional approaches to integration, it provides Audi with accelerated interface development at substantially lower cost. In fact, Audi estimates that SAP XI will reduce the cost of integrating systems and processes by no less than 25 per cent in the SAP-environment of the GEMINI-project. At the same time, SAP XI represents a platform for greater business agility. Faster integration of new applications within the SAP solution-based environment will enable the company to respond more quickly to changing business demands.
However, business agility also demands a flexible, scalable hardware platform. In the case of Audi’s implementation of SAP XI, this requirement was fulfilled by HP, which has a long history of working closely with SAP as an SAP Partner. Approximately 50 per cent of all SAP implementations worldwide are run on HP infrastructure. Through its Adaptive Enterprise strategy, HP offers products and services specifically designed for business agility and fully supported by SAP. By enabling integration, which is one of HP’s fundamental design principles for an adaptive infrastructure, SAP XI complements this strategy perfectly.

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