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Training Schedual


Submitted By egreene58
Words 1357
Pages 6
Eilean L. Greene
Dr. Jon Drake
Washington Adventist University Healthcare Systems Analysis June 22, 2014
Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Abstract 3 Referance………………………………………………………………………………………….8 Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………….9

Abstract This essay will focus on the requirements needed to build a database for the scheduling process, the advantages and disadvantages of moving the schedule to a database .I will define referential integrity and how this database concept ensures that the relationships between tables remain consistent and whether or not the advantages outweighed the difficulty of setup. The requirements to build a database design for scheduling are tables, records, primary key relationship that will make up the database. The database is a relational one as defined by the primary key. The advantages of moving this scheduling to database is reduction in data redundancy, decreases in updating errors and increased consistency along with greater data integrity. Lat but not least I will discuss the ethical issue of change over to an automate system. I have created a graph of the database along with an access database.


TRAINING SCHEDUAL DATABASE This essay will focus on the requirements needed to build a database for the scheduling process, the advantages and disadvantages of moving the schedule to a database. I will discuss how referential integrity can prevent mistakes in a database, and whether not the advantages outweighed the difficulty of setup. I will also discuss the ethical issue of changing over to a automate system. A graphical representation of my proposed database environments along with an access database is included.
As a corporate trainer for a large organization I became aware of the need to move from the current method for scheduling of trainers on a dry erase board. The problems that we ran into were that of trainer erasing their names from one course and changing it to another course that they favor. There were also accidental erasers of some courses a sign it assignments. I approached my manager and proposed that we would change the current process by creating a database that would house the scheduling process. My manager requested that I would address this need by producing this proposal. I have chosen a relational data base because it meets the needs for the scheduling process. The first element that I looked down at was the requirements needed to build a database for the scheduling process. The components are a table, records and fields. . We will look at table first. A table is an organizational record that houses records. A record is a group of filed into logical units. Fields are the smallest piece of information that is to be stored. Primary key is a field or a combination of fields that uniquely identify a record. See example below. Trainers Info |
Employee id | Last Na | First N | Department | Email | 1030 | Graham | Joyce | Training | | Record Trainers Info |

Primary Key

Employee id* | Last Name | First Name | Department | Email | 1030 | Graham | Joyce | Training | |

Trainer id* | Course # | Course Name | Location | Date | 1030 | 101 | | | |

Course Info |

Last, relationship, the connection between two tablets based on a common field. There is a one- to- one relationship for the scheduling process. The database is the unit that houses the above described requirements.
Next I will list the advantages and disadvantages of changing over to a database system;

* Reduced data redundancy

* Reduced updating errors and increased consistency

* Greater data integrity and independence from applications programs

* Improved data access to users through use of host and query languages

* Improved data security

* Reduced data entry, storage, and retrieval costs

* Facilitated development of new applications program Disadvantages * Database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to design * Substantial hardware and software start-up costs * Damage to database affects virtually all applications programs * Extensive conversion costs in moving form a file-based system to a database system * Initial training required for all programmers and users. We will now look at referential integrity.
Referential integrity is a database concept that ensures that relationships between tables remain consistent. When one table has a foreign key to another table, the concept of referential integrity states that you may not add a record to the table that contains the foreign key unless there is a corresponding record in the linked table. It also includes the techniques known as cascading update and cascading delete, which ensure that changes made to the linked table are reflected in the primary table.
After researching the database design I ‘m inclined to believe that the change from the old system of scheduling to automation is cost effective and efficient. While the upfront cost, time and implementation process have some drawl backs the outcome far outweighs the drawbacks. In my opinion the advantages outweigh the disadvantages because the scheduling errors would decrease. The trainers wouldn’t be able to change the schedule in their favor. The training department would know who, what, were and how at all times. Assignments would be covered and everyone would be on the same page. One last thought and that is about the ethical issues of changing over to an automotive system. As in any computerizes system the ethical issues are rooted in network security. Networks are variable to hackers and hacker want to steal information to capitalize on it. Keeping the hardware and software safe via passwords, firewalls and antivirus just name a few is vital to keeping the system safe. The IT department must monitor the system to ensure that employees aren’t accessing information without authorization. This is an ongoing ethical issue that must be addressed on a daily basis.

University of Denver. (2010). Information and Communication Design. Retrieved from Accessed 6/15/14 Georgetown University. (20012). Technology Management. Retrieved from http://
Accessed 6/15/14
University Of Michigan. (20012). Database Research. Retrieved from
Accessed 6/15/14


Trainer Info

Employee I.D.

Last Name

First Name



Course Info Trainer I.D.

Course Number

Course Name
Date and Time

Trainer I.D
Course Number
Employee I.D.

Trainers Information | Employee ID Number | Last Name | First Name | Department | Email Address | 1030 | Graham | Joyce | Training | | 1031 | Hanson | James | Training | | 1032 | Richards | Bernadette | Training | | 1033 | Samuels | Robert | Training | | 1034 | Yancey | Brient | Training | |

Course Information | Trainer Employee ID Number | Course Number | Course Name | Course Location | Date & Time | 1030 | 101 | Introduction to Scheduling 1 | 3500 Main building room 10 | 10/13/14 8:00 am to 10:00 am | 1031 | 102 | Intro to Scheduling 2 | 3500 Main building room 11 | 10/13/14; 8 am to 10:00am | 1032 | 103 | Intermediate Scheduling 1 | 3500 Main building room 12 | 10/13/14; 10:15 am to 12:15 pm | 1033 | 104 | Intermediate Scheduling 2 | 3500 Main building room 13 | 10/13/14; 10:15 am to 12:15 pm | 1034 | 105 | Advance Scheduling | 500 Main building room 14 | 10/13/14 1:15pm to 2: |

Course Information Query | Trainer Employee ID Number | Course Number | Employee ID Number | Last Name | First Name | Department | Email Address | Course Name | Course Location | Date & Time | 1030 | 101 | 1030 | Graham | Joyce | Training | | Intro to Scheduling 1 | 3500 Main building room 10 | 10/13/14 8:00 am to 10:00 am | 1031 | 102 | 1031 | Hanson | James | Training | | Intro to Scheduling 2 | 3500 Main building room 11 | 10/13/14; 8 am to 10:00am | 1032 | 103 | 1032 | Richards | Bernadette | Training | | Intermediate Scheduling 1 | 3500 Main building room 12 | 10/13/14; 10:15 am to 12:15 pm | 1033 | 104 | 1033 | Samuels | Robert | Training | | Intermediate Scheduling 2 | 3500 Main building room 13 | 10/13/14; 10:15 am to 12:15 pm | 1034 | 105 | 1034 | Yancey | Brient | Training | | Advance Scheduling | 500 Main building room 14 | 10/13/14 1:15pm to 2: |

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