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Transportation Management System


Submitted By ozlemconsulting
Words 1162
Pages 5
Before the explain transportation management system (TMS), its functions and relationship with logistics; it is better to explain what is transportation and why transportation is important for logistics. Business logistics include material management and physical distribution. Material management is movement and storage of materials into company, and physical distribution refers to storage of finished products and movement to the customers. Basically logistics’ definition show that the logistics and movement of materials/ products relations. Also, other important term is transportation, it can be defined as the physical movement of goods, or people from one place to another. All these definitions prove that transportation is the important part of logistics. For the businesses transportation and transportation management is one of the key term because transportation costs are the approximately 50 percent of firm’s total logistics’ costs. Successful business logistics operation depends on successful transportation management. With the developing technologies transportation management has become faster and efficient with the transportation management systems.
A Transportation Management System is software which helps to businesses to control process of orders, loads, following and tracking shipments, auditing and payments. Also, TMS helps to manage the supply chain, particularly coordinating and optimizing the movement of products and materials. Supply chain management contain transportation operations so transportation management system direct relationship with Supply chain management and logistics.
If user prefer to TMS products serve as the logistics, it will serve as center in a common network of shippers, carriers and customers. TMS products have variety depends on users’ needs.
What these systems can do, instead of attempting

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