Premium Essay



Submitted By mhaelt
Words 303
Pages 2
Assistant Customer Marketing Manager
Level of experience
Area of interest
Customer Development
Unilever K Ltd
Job Description
Job Purpose:
The Customer Marketing Executive is responsible for Developing the Customer Marketing Plan, Trade Category Plans as well as Channel Plans (General and Modern Trade).

Key Duties:
• Develop & lead execution of fully integrated, shopper, customer and channel insights based brand /category solutions (Foods) & activities for Customers/Channels.
• Develop & translate customer & shopper insights into business building opportunities with specific customers/channels
• Brand/Customer Audit in National Category Building plan and Brand Marketing plan to come up with Customer Marketing Plan/Trade Category Plan aligned with Brand Marketing Plans.
• Manage total trade investments through Pre and Post Promo evaluations and ensuring maximum return on investment activities/promotions.
• Leading cross functional meetings to get their buy-in or input on promotional proposals for specific channel or customer.
• Jointly Build customer/channel specific Customer Marketing Plans in line with their strategy to deliver value for the Channel/Customer and Unilever.
• Integration of brand marketing plans with customer business planning and ultimately empowering this to the Territory managers as POP (point of purchase) vision that they will deploy in the market place.
• Category Management (Assortment, Segmentation and Space planning) with our General and Modern Trade customers.
• Integration of Customer Marketing Plans and Joint Business Plans into supply and sales operation demand planning hence an accurate internal supply forecast in line with market demand.

Key Requirements:
•Minimum 1 to 3 years relevant working experience (FMCG)

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